chapter four

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There was a hand on the small of her back, another hooked beneath her knees as moans and groans left the lips of whomever was carrying her. Thalia was delirious, her sleep induced state was rather strong as she tried to open her eyes.

"Back to sleep baby, I got you." Suddenly she was being set down on a soft surface, the feel of their tan sheets hitting her skin. His hands were slowly slipping from her body before she gripped onto something, the bottom of his t-shirt.

"I gotta go. I don't have time, sweetheart." Her eyes blinked a few times and when she noticed her surroundings she was even more confused. Though she was still wearing her tank top from earlier, her pencil skirt has been substituted for a pair of Joel's pajama pants, when he actually felt like wearing them that is.

"I have to go get Tommy but I'll be right back I promise." Thalia's brows furrowed, "W-what happened to Tommy? Is he ok?" Joel shook his head, sighing a bit, "Yeah, just stuck in his usual shit but I gotta go help him out tonight. I'll be back in no time I promise."

He leaned down to press a kiss to her lips, before he could pull away she placed her hands on the sides of his face. Their lips parted and their foreheads rested against one another, "Be safe..."

"Yes ma'am, back to sleep you go." Thalia drifted off soon after that, the whole memory felt like a fever dream, to her it was. She must have fallen asleep because what felt like an hour and a second later, all at the same time, she was being awoken.

Hands were grabbing her shoulders, shaking them about, "Thalia wake up! Something isn't right!" She lightly swatted at whoever was trying to disturb her rest but when she registered that something was wrong, that it was Sarah calling to her she sat up almost immediately.

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes she looked to her stepdaughter, "What's wrong, Squish?" She shook her head, "I don't know. Come look." Without a second of hesitation Sarah was practically dragging her from the bed, ushering her into the living room.

Thalia blinked a few times as she looked at the words on the television screen. Law enforcements ordering everyone to stay inside their homes, not to leave until further notice. Her heart began to clench at the thought, something was wrong, seriously wrong.

Helicopters were flying above, causing her head to whip upwards. Thalia and Sarah both jumped and grabbed one another when something came banging at the window, the Adler's dog barking wildly at them. "Why isn't he home?"

"Doesn't matter. Close the curtains." Sarah turned to the brunette with wide eyes, "We can't just leave him out there!"

"Sarah there is a home order out! We aren't supposed to leave!" The teenager crossed her arms in defiance, "It's the neighbors. We can check if they're alright." Thalia was silently cursing her for being so sweet and caring, a groan left her lips, "Fine. I will take the stupid dog back but you are staying here."

"Fine... thank you." She grabbed the hair tie from her wrist and pulled her hair up in a low ponytail, a few strands falling loose from her shaking hands. Something that happened often when she was nervous was the violent shaking of her hands.

It was something she'd done since she was a kid, a nervous tick or twitch she didn't know. Thalia opened the door and shut it behind her, "Don't open the door for anyone else Sarah! I'll be right back..."

She heard the door lock behind her and a sigh of relief left her lips. Looking to the dog sitting at the porch, "Let's get you home..." Thalia grumbled and gripped the dogs collar, not too tight but enough to guide it toward the home.

He put up a small fight, the closer they got to the house the more resistance he gave her. "Son of a bitch... c'mon dog!" As they neared the front door, the collar snapped from the sheer force he was using to escape. Thalia watched, the collar in her hands as the dog went running.

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