Bee: *Screams*
Char: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Ekko: Should we do something?
Savannah: No, I want to see who wins.also- in this Odalia is mixed with hispanic and white and Alador is filipino (or like the demon realm equivalent to those) which is going to be my excuse for why this family looks the way that it does - ik genetics don't really work like that but stfu we literally have a bird tube running rampant in this story. also odalia and alador's names are gonna stay the same bc I can't be bothered to change them or I might change them later idk man
also I kept amibee's nickname the same because I couldn't think of anything else
4202 words
"'Azura,' Hecate began "'Our paths have only crossed in battle, but today I stand before you seeking an ally.'" Char finished the sentence and got all swoony. "Lottie, you're getting all swoony again." King pointed out. "I can't help it! Azura is able to befriend everyone, even her biggest rival." She pressed the book to her chest, getting a dreamy look on her face. "I wish I had that kind of power."
"Rivals are meant to be annihilated not befriended." Wise words, very wise words. "Now keep reading! I've been sucked into your awful fandom!" Ah, the assimilation.
"Okay. Suddenly, the door swung open!" Suddenly, the door swung open. "Ding-dong-ding! Hoot hoot!" Hooty blessed the house.
Char got off the couch and approached the door, where they saw a basket and a blanket. Void assumed it was some sort of gift basket. "Carmen, you got a package!" It announced, placing it on the table. "It looks like some sort of gift basket."
"Probably an offering. Ah, being the most powerful witch on the boiling isles sure has it's perks." She smiled, wondering what she'd get today. A blanket? Some snacks? Some Feathers and Shoulders? She was running low on that last one. But when King removed the blanket, it was not Feathers and Shoulders but rather a bat baby. A fucking baby.
"Mmmm, fresh meat." King rubbed his hands together. "Nope, not eating that." Char looked away.
"Witches eating babies is so 1693. What is this?" She questioned. They'd had their fill of babies for today, thank you very much. "There's a note." King said, grabbing said note. "Take care of my child till morning. yi yi." He read.
"Nope. Babies are awful. Not happening."
"'You will be handsomely rewarded, xoxoxo, -bat queen." He finished. "Bat queen? Reward?" Well, Carmen was sold now. "Who's the bat queen?" Char asked. "She's the wealthiest demon on the Boiling Isles. Get in with her and you're set for life!" Carmen explained, holding up a gold snail. "So, we keep this thing alive for a few hours and we get paid. Pfft, easy."
"Our greatest adventure yet!" Char clasped her hands together. "Learning about love and life through a child's eyes." But mama Carmen was having none of that happiness. "Not you. You need to go return the books I checked out from the library." Carmen circled her finger and some book fell from the spell circle, the blonde catching them before they hit the ground.
The brunette then leaned towards the demon, whispering "I don't want her getting a cut of the loot."
"Good thinking!"
"Now let's take a look at this little darling." Carmen removed the blanket, shrill screeches filling the room. "On second thought, maybe we could use some help!"
Yeah, no. "Well, I better get to the library, gotta go, bye!" And she slammed the door shut, running of to the Library of Gay™.
"We got this, right?" The child, who I will be calling Sampson, attacked Carmen.