Chapter Eight - Two Face

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Chapter Eight - Two Face 



It was the first thing I could process once my brain started gaining consciousness. When my eyes slowly started to open, I noticed the room was dimmed- not completely dark- but dark enough to know it wasn't daytime outside. At first, I didn't want to move I was just way too comfortable. The warmth was literally all around me and my body begged me to succumb back into the peaceful sleep I'd been in. 

How did I get here? 

That was enough motive to keep my eyes from closing up again. My brain had begun to slide back into unconsciousness as well so I let out a long exhale as it fired up again. A small ache on my shoulder made me wince when I tried rotating my head. It felt as if someone karate chopped on my shoulder more than once. 

I'd been in the forest? Where was I? 

My hands felt heavy as I tried raising them to rub the sleepiness out of my face. They felt almost foreign, as if they weren't mine. My head was throbbing a bit making me groan as all of my senses came rushing back. 

Why was it so hot?  

I try scooting back into the warmth, sighing as it enveloped all around me. My hands sink back beneath the blanket only to meet a strong object. I frown slightly and reach down to feel what it had been and realize it was an arm. My eyes snap open as soon as I realize the light feeling of electricity crawling down my back. 

That was when I finally notice the strong, hot body behind me and I lurch from the bed in panic while stumbling with the blankets wrapped around my legs. Pain travels down my spine in waves and I groan as the dizziness comes rushing back. My body sways to the side and I press my palm against the dresser against the wall to keep myself steady. 

"Nate." A waring. 

I raise my head and turn around to meet hot blue eyes, my breath catching in my throat. His hair was disheveled letting me know he'd been in bed. With me. This motherfucker thought it was suddenly okay to get in bed with me?! "Excuse me?" I demand, cold anger seeping in my voice. "How dare you?" 

"You begged" he says calmly, eyes never leaving my face. 

"I would never" I snap back. My eyes travel down his face, widening when I realize he wore no shirt. A startled gasp leaves my lips when I feel a cool breeze against my skin. A look down confirms I only wore my boxers and nothing else. A flush grows on my cheeks and I bend down to yank the blanket from the floor and wrap it around me the best I could without falling out of dizziness that kept creeping into the edges of my eyes. "What did you do?" 

"Nothing" he snarls, moving to get out of bed. I only back away more, clutching the blanket tighter against my chest. 

"Did you touch me?" I demand, my heart skipping a beat against my chest. I couldn't describe the feeling that rose in my chest, I just knew that I didn't like it at all. 

Nate's expression darkens even more than I thought was possible- ever. He takes a step towards me while his lips curled back in what sounded like a low growl. His fists clench tightly as he took a step towards me then stopped once he saw that my back was pressed flat against the wall. He studied my face for a good minute. 

"No" he snarls with so much venom in his voice that my heart squeezed painfully. He says nothing else as he grabs what I assume were his jeans and he makes his way out of the room. 

I stand there in silence, my breathing the only thing I could hear in the room. I swallow hard and tiredly move towards the bed. Sinking down into it, I sigh as I realize just what I had said, what it meant, and how much it appeared to hurt him. I was surprised to feel a wave of shame drop on my shoulders. 

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