Chapter Ten - The Agreement

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Chapter Ten - The Agreement


My fingers were tingling as I uncurled my fist after the punch and I heaved out a huge breath before curling both my hands back into fists. I stretched my arms out and moved my hand forward, connecting it with the bean bag. Another light sting crawled up my arm from the impact causing a gasping wince to leave my lips and I stretch my neck in frustration. My chest felt tight and every inch of my skin felt hot. My bones felt achy and just everything in this place seemed to overwhelm me.

He overwhelmed me.

I shoved down my thoughts before they grew and made everything worse. Just the simple thought of him angered me enough to throw my arm out and hit the bean bag, causing it to sway harder than before. "I wonder who's face you saw when you hit that" a voice laughs from behind me.

Cody was holding a bag of Cheetos and tilted the bag towards me, which I denied with a shake of my head. "Do you really need to ask" it wasn't a question, more like a statement we both already knew.

He licked his lips before reaching into his bag to take another chip and plop it into his mouth. "I never understood needing to be in here to release stress" he ignored my previous statement. "It smells like sweat and ass- and the occasional sex aftermath" he added with a scrunch of his nose.

Just the simple word sex made my skin crawl with heat, desire engulfing me in every inch of my body.

My mind involuntary went to a few days ago, when Nate attacked me. He'd pinned me down while in his wolf counterpart and I'd been terrified. There were no other words to explain the ice cold chill that went down my spine. Or the desperate desire that had clouded my vision.

Anger filled my bones as I felt the blood rush both down to my groin and all the way up to my cheeks.

"Maybe you should put those down and join me- I'll show you why hitting shit makes you feel good."

Cody lazily shrugged his shoulders and licks his fingers, "No thank you. Even if it's just practice Michael would get upsety I'm hurt."

"He controls everything you do?" I snap angrily and curl my fingers back into fists. "No one has free fucking will here just because they're mated?"

Cody tilts his head in confusion, "Michael and I are bonded in a way you will only half experience with Nate. Not only do we... feel each other but our pain is..." his brows furrow as if he couldn't think of the word. He sighs in frustration. "Sometimes I still struggle with words no matter how much Michael teaches me."

"It's fine" I snap in irritation. "I don't want to know anyways."

Cody's face forms a sad expression and I turn away to avoid talking to him any longer, "Why don't you go shower- I will show you something."

An hour later I found myself sitting across from Cody at a restaurant, my eyes anxiously looking around. This could be my time to escape- or at least try to call home.

Cody didn't give any indication he knew of my plan.

"This is how you relieve stress?" I question as the waiter brought our appetizer before letting us know our food would be out shortly.

Cody smiles so wide at the plate of fresh mozzarella sticks and reaches for one eagerly. "Food makes me happy" he says as he takes a bite of the mozzarella stick and blows out a rapid breath at the heat. "I never got to taste food until after I was free. There's so much options- and then there's cheese!"

I roll my eyes before tuning him out as I looked around the place and crossed my arms over my chest as I leaned against the booth seat.

"Ian is coming this weekend" Cody says before dipping the mozzarella stick in marinara sauce and taking another bite. He swallows before speaking again, "are you excited?"

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