Chapter Two - Marcus

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Chapter Two - Marcus


I'm startled awake by the sound of a door slamming closed, a voice shouting at someone to get some milk when they come home before there's another slam. There's a roar of an engine and I hear a car pulling away, the sound of it's gears turning fading away with each second that passed. I sigh heavily and rub my face with the palms of my hands with a yawn before stretching my legs out.

Picking up my watch from the side, I let out a tiny groan at the time and lay back down. I honestly wasn't used to waking up this early, and definitely not used to not having one of our butlers bringing me a fresh cup of coffee.

It took me another hour to get up from bed, take a warm shower, and get dressed before I set out to find myself a fresh cup of coffee. With my satchel on my shoulder, and my computer safely inside with all my files, I got into my car and drove down to explore the town. I had to find what made this place so important for my father to have it kept on his desk. He never let me touch his desk. So whatever this place was, it must've been important.

I don't let the looks I received faze me. I was obviously the stranger in this town and I expected them to be wary of me, especially since I wasn't the first man in a suit to approach them. After about five minutes of driving down the road, I stop by a little bakery shop and find myself a table. I ordered my coffee and kept to myself as I opened my laptop.

Looking through the files, I go back down to Hendricks and open it, while taking a sip of my coffee. I wanted to know what exactly they meant by 25 members and why my father would be interested in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere, Ohio. The land was apparently about 500,000 feet. I frown slightly because I was pretty sure I had driven quite a bit more than that.

I read a little bit more and pause when I get to a couple of names listed. I frown and take out my notepad from my satchel and pick up my pen.

Marcus White.


Taylor Kennedy.

Who the fuck were these people? Were these the people I needed to be talking to? And what exactly did they mean by Alpha? The number of times that was used next to the name Marcus probably meant that he has the man in charge.

In charge of what, though?

I scroll a down some more and frown when I start seeing pictures one after the other. A bitter feeling sinks down the pit of my stomach before I get to a picture of a young man. My eyes study his rugged features, his hard eyes, his narrowed gaze. I swallow the lump in my throat, raising an eyebrow as I took him in before flushing the tiniest bit. He was-

"Can I get you anything else?" the voice of the girl that served me my coffee startles me and I slam the computer shut while feeling the flush grow over my cheeks.

"N-no!" I clear my throat and look at the pot of coffee she was holding before I shake my head while letting out a small breath. I offer a small smile, "I'm sorry. Coffee. Yes, please."

Her eyes never leave mine as she pours me a little bit more coffee. "You're not from around here" she states. It wasn't a question.

"No" I agree.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

I sigh and grab my mug, keeping it close as a customer across the room stood and left, leaving the door to slowly close itself behind him. "Um. If I'm being honest? I have no idea." I admit. The lady crosses her arms, not exactly aggressively, but not exactly welcoming either. She hums in return before I look for my notepad and flip to the page where I wrote the coordinates of the Hendricks company. "Can I ask you something?"

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