Chapter Four - Nate

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Chapter Four - Nate


The intense scent of chemicals slowly brought me back from consciousness, there was a slight chill in the room making my hairs stand on end, the slow steady beeping of a monitor making me slightly cautious as I opened my eyes. The room was slightly dimmed, making it easy for my eyes to settle easily. My head spun a little bit and I feel panic slowly set into my bones as I looked down at myself. 

I push down the blankets a little bit and look at the hospital gown I wore. The room was very clean, empty besides the bed I was on and a chair next to me. There was also the heart monitor next to me and two doors adjacent to each other. 

Licking my dry and chapped lips, I try to sit up and gasp at the slight pain that shot up my side. Instead, I look down and as I pull up the gown I could start to see the thick bandage wrapped around my abdomen area. 

My eyes widen in disbelief, my head suddenly remembering the guy with the sharp object, the guy who tried to save my life, and then back to what the first guy was telling me. "Werewolves?" I croak weakly. 

"That saves me the trouble" a voice came out of nowhere, scaring the shit out of me. I try scooting back away from the girl that stood by the doorway. She gives me a tight lipped smile and points at my stomach, "I'd advise you to stay down but you probably won't listen to me."

I clutch the blanket hard and can't help but have myself stiffen, feeling scared and vulnerable more than anything else. "Who are you? Where am I? What is going on?"

"My name is Jasmine. You're in my clinic. And I saved your life" she says as she continues walking in and grabs a clip-board that was hanging on the edge of the bed that I hadn't seen before. Her eyes stare at mine for a couple of seconds before she gazes down at the papers. "I would appreciate it if you didn't rip open your stitches." 

I stare at her for a couple of seconds before loosening my fingers on the blankets. I swallow hard before laying down. I was at a clinic. Then I probably was not even in that town anymore. That means I could get cops involved, call my parents, sue the bitches that kidnapped me. "I'd like to call the police" I murmur as I sink against the sheets. 

The girl looks up at me for a quick second before pursing her lips tightly, "I'm supposed to contact Beta Nate as soon as you woke." Bright, intense blue eyes pop up in the back of my head. The girl sets down the clipboard and crosses her arms against her chest. "But I know what you're going through and I know you're confused. I may have answers if you answer me some." 

"I don't know what you people want with me" I answer. "But I want to call the police. I was kidnapped-"

"You came looking for trouble." the girl interrupts, raising an eyebrow at me. "Look. I'm gonna give it to you straight. Either we help each other out or you can deal with Marcus and Nate." 

I pause heavily and try sitting up again, keeping a close eye on the girl as I sat against the headboard. "Am I still kidnapped." 

"You're injured. I'm not in charge of what happens to you" she adds before sighing and stepping closer to the bed. "We have little time before they come for you. Who are you?"

"My name is Len." 

"Why are you here?" 

"A business proposition. When can I leave?" I ask. 

"I don't have that answer" she says. "What business proposition? What do you know about us?" her eyes must've seen how confused I was because she changes the question. "I understand the rouge told you what we are." 

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