Chapter Five - Brandon

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Chapter Five - Brandon


I wasn't told where exactly where we were going or why. Nate never explained to me why were going, he didn't want to tell me anything. I only knew that I was to meet Brandon Morgan. I honestly didn't give a fuck about this Brandon, I only hoped that this new pack would take me away and maybe even let me go.

Did I want to go though? I turn over to my supposed soulmate and feel my cheeks flush. Fuck. I couldn't believe I was even- No. Not gonna happen. Only in my wildest dreams. They kidnapped me for fucks sake. Technically Nate didn't, but still. There was no way I could even think of letting anything happen here.

Not that there was a single bad thing about Nate. I just didn't want to feel like a prisoner anymore. And being around him made me feel like one.

"We're almost there." Nate mentions, breaking me out of my thoughts. He kept his right arm on the wheel, his left resting on the windowsill, his posture was tense and he was gripping the wheel tightly. He seemed nervous, I just didn't know why. Even then he still looked beautiful. He wasn't exactly relaxed on the seat, but he wasn't uncomfortable either. My eyes travel down the length of his arm, down his buttoned up shirt, and down to his legs. His thighs were muscly and I tried not to let my eyes linger at the obvious bulge at the front of his jeans.

I was supposed to be his soul mate. I didn't feel like one at the moment. Sure, there was a tinge of physical attraction and if I had met him differently, I'd definitely let him fuck the shit out of me. He was easy on the eyes. But now? I didn't know what to feel about him. He mentioned I had been marked, and that this mark was enhancing any emotions any attraction between us. And the way Jasmine made it seem, there was also a lot of restraint coming from Nate. He hadn't done a single thing for me to be terrified of him.

I didn't know how to feel about being tied or mated to him for the rest of my life. Surely, this could be undone? Hopefully this Brandon knew how.

"Why does this pack make you nervous?" I ask.

Nate clenches his jaw, "I'm not nervous."

I cross my arms against my chest, "You seem nervous."

"Do I need to tape your mouth shut?"

"Kiss my ass." I snap. I don't think I'd restrain him if he actually wanted to.

The next couple moments we drove without saying anything to each other. I only hoped I caught myself from staring at him before he did. I honestly didn't mind sitting in silence with him. He oddly made me feel... calm. As stupid as that sounded. I reach up my neck and gently rub the area, feeling a hot pool of warmth gently travel down my spine. There was nothing there, nothing visible to the eye. But I could feel it.

I was marked.

"Stop touching it" Nate snaps through clenched teeth. He looked annoyed, irritated. And honestly I was too. He didn't even turn to look at me once. I scowl in annoyance and turn away from him to look outside the window. The sun was still up, but it was starting to set and the orange and red colors on the sky were quite a sight.

My mind went back to this new pack and I couldn't think of what I should do once we got there. Should I scream and run? What if they were worse? I was only still here to get answers. I wanted to know more about them, about the land, about why my parents had all these damn folders. Why did they keep tabs on werewolves? Where the fuck was my laptop anyway?

This was the closest way of me finding out, though. Just keeping cool and waiting for my, any opening.

I look at Nate once before turning to the window and leaning my forehead against it. So far, Nate was not much of a conversationalist. He was expressionless most of the time.

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