Entry #1

395 10 19

September 16; Monday ⭆
⇽ 4:00 PM ⇾

George's POV


Being the son of a mayor and businesswoman can be quite interesting I'll admit but stressful nonetheless. There are so many expectations from everyone in town- especially from my parents. I'm a good student. I have straight A's and all my teachers love me. I only play the 'my dad's a mayor' card when it's convenient. It gets me what I want most time. Everyone thinks of me as this perfect little kid who always stays out of trouble and that's partially true.. just because they haven't caught me doing anything out of the ordinary. I'm not much of a true angel but hey- who cares, What's life without a little bit of fun?

I'm a senior, 18. Soon I'll graduate from high school and that is something I am definitely looking forward to. I haven't moved out yet. I live in this huge mansion with just my parents. Although we do have quite the staff- it gets lonely. I never had the chance to live a normal teenage experience. My father won the election 3 times in a row- and he wants me to run for mayor after his time is over. Being mayor isn't really as cool as it sounds. I also have my mother forcing me to inherit her stupid business which for me isn't ideal. I only have a year before she chooses a spouse for me.. that is the one thing I don't want. I don't want to be stuck in an endless marriage that'll probably end in a stupid divorce. It ain't ideal. She's giving me a year to marry someone I choose but that's a problem- I don't have a lover and my two friends happen to be dating.

I'm not exactly a people person, Everyone's friends with me but I'm friends with nobody. I know everyone in school. It's just.. marriage? At just 19? It's extremely dumb. I don't just want to marry some random person besides I never really thought of myself being the type to marry someone.

I'm also gay which is a huge deal breaker to my mother. My father could honestly care less as long as I become mayor. We all know who's my favorite parent...

Knowing my mom she'll probably choose some random rich chick for me to marry, not exactly what I wanna do. She is always on my goddamn ass about something- it's irritating. Very.

Another day of being alive in this forsaken high school. It's taking a lot to not kill everyone here and then myself. People are so extremely annoying. I'm sitting in my math class rethinking my whole existence. I'm a fucking scholar, I'm popular, I'm rich, I've got everything anyone could want (not to brag) yet I am so miserable. Everyone expects something from me because my family is so high class, they all have like some impressive career or something. I am nothing like any of them, especially my parents. I will never be like them. They're one sad people.

I sigh hearing the bell ring. My last period is finally over. My parents are probably not home. They're always on trips leaving this whole town to me. I'm good at keeping this place in one piece but it can get so stressful. I mean let's face it- I'm only 18 and someone always wants something from me.

I continue to pick up all my things shoving them in my bag, not really wanting to organize them. This is a problem for future me. I close my bag, heading out the door and down the hallway. The more I continue to walk- the more I can hear someone yelling. I stop in front of the head of the school's office and gently knock on the door. I can already guess what's going on. It's still worrisome though. The yelling dials down as I hear a soft "come in" so without a second thought I open the door to notice the principal as there are two very well-known Americans sitting in front of him. "Is everything okay George?" The principal asks.

I look at both of them and back at the head responding, "Yeah, I just heard yelling and I got worried. What's going on?"

"The usual" He sighs later adding, "They beat up another defenseless kid because apparently, he was getting on their nerves"

"I see.. do they have detention?"

"No actually- I'm planning on expelling them"

Another perk of being the mayor's son is that everyone's technically kissing your ass and they tell you whatever the hell you want, whenever.

"Expulsion? Now? It's the middle of the school year already besides they're always doing the same thing and you never expelled them until now. What changed?"

"Parents started to complain about their children coming home with bruises and the school board threatened to fire me if I didn't do something about it" He explains to me typing on his computer.

"That's not my fucking problem" The blonde mumbles.

Dream. He's a pain in the ass and the talk of the town. He's the opposite of me. It's so annoying, always getting in trouble with his best friend Sapnap. Both have quite the reputation in this school.. for people who get into a lot of trouble- they still manage to stay on the football team, no one has the balls to kick them off it. They're both juniors. Just a year younger than me. After a while I decide to speak up, "You can't expel them"

The principal directs his attention to me. "Why not?"

"Because you wouldn't like it if I told everyone how you love to sleep with students"

"But that's not-"

"Who are they going to believe Mr. Lee?"

He stays quiet afraid of what would happen if he spoke once again.

I flash him a smile. "Great! Now you two can run along and do whatever it is you do" I say walking out of the office. Sapnap and Dream exit afterward. "Always the same thing with you two, it's annoying! Sap I can't keep covering for you"

Yeah this isn't the first time. I'm surprised the arsonist decided to drag his friend along this time.

"But regardless you're always getting me out of trouble, is he actually sleeping with minors?" Sapnap asks me holding back laughter.

"Fuck if I know! Don't speak of this to anyone, it's the last time" I tell them sternly. Sapnap smiles and heads off leaving his friend behind. They always get in trouble and I always get them out. At this point, it's become a habit. We're not friends- but they intrigue me.. just something about them. Technically it's always Sapnap who's in the principal's office. I don't know what happened but he managed to drag his friend into his mess as well.

Dream walks to my side as we start walking down the hallway to exit the building. "Thank you"

"It's whatever"

"Why'd you do it?"

I shrug in response. "Just know this doesn't make us friends"

"Please, friend's with the mayor's son? I'd rather die"

"I hope you do"

He chuckles still not leaving me alone. "I owe you big time" Dream takes out a pen from his pocket and stops in his tracks. I pause to look at him confused. He reaches for my hand to write down a couple of digits which seemed like it was his number. "Text me" He winks walking away from me.

Hm... I can definitely get something good out of this.

I look at the time and quickly run out of the main gates reaching my car. I have an important dinner with my parents tonight, I totally forgot. They wanted to have a serious conversation with me- who knows what it's about. It definitely can't be about school... I'm an amazing student, literally.

I start the car, immediately driving to the restaurant my parents have chosen. It wasn't that far- luckily. I'm colorblind so driving far isn't exactly what I'd like to do... I don't even have my license- my parents only let me get a car because they can't drive me anywhere and they don't want me taking public transport. I'm used to driving like this but I usually try avoiding it when I don't have school.

After this dinner is over, they're off on another trip for the next two months or maybe even more so this is going to be a long dinner...

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