Entry #15

160 4 0

⭅ October 8, Friday ⭆
⇽4:00 PM ⇾

George's POV


The bell rings indicating that class was over. My parents left on Monday for another 'business trip' so I was alone again not that I minded it. They said that as soon as they were back, they were going to sit down with me and have a serious talk.. whatever that's supposed to mean.

Everything has been so stressful lately. I've been avoiding Dream since that night. I haven't told him I know about the photo or anything like that- I just simply ignore him. I can tell it's pissing him off but how do you think I feel? I know I should talk to him but I just don't have it in me. At least not yet. Even Sapnap and Quackity haven't told Dream anything. Sap is still furious about the whole Technoblade taking advantage of me while I'm under the influence of alcohol. It was really hard to convince Sapnap not to do anything but in the end, he listened to me.

Fundy and Dream have been spending a lot of time together and he's so.. touchy. Only when I'm around. It's upsetting, not much I can do about it though. He's not my boyfriend after all so why should I care?

I sigh packing up the rest of my things and walked out of the classroom that was already empty. As I'm about to head to the courtyard, I come across Fundy about to kiss Dream. He eyes me with a huge smirk plastered on his annoying little face. Sapnap notices me and the other two. Before he's able to reach me, I speed walk to Fundy grabbing him by the collar and pulling him off Dream. I punch him straight across the face knocking him back. Picking a fight with a junior is not my brightest moment but fuck it. I punch him once more until I feel someone grabbing me by the wrist slamming me against the wall. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dream yells annoyed tightening his grip on me.

I avoid eye contact squirming at his touch. He moves his hand up grabbing my face forcing me to look at him in which I do. "Are you back together with him?" I mumble quietly for only him to hear.

His grip on me loosens. He slowly moves away from me. "I'm not dating him," Dream says.

"And that picture of you guys kissing?"

He pulls me into the empty classroom that was next to us. "George. What's this about? Now that I finally have your attention, why have you been avoiding me?"

"We.. have a lot to talk about"

I sit on an empty chair as he does the same facing me.

I start explaining exactly what I told Sapnap. I told him how upset it made me feel that Fundy was in our school and of course, I didn't want to do anything irrational... I mean why would I? It wasn't a big deal no matter how much I hated the thought of them being in the same place together. It even worried me more than Sapnap told me to keep an eye out for him.

I continue to talk about how I left school with Wilbur and about the party. I told him how I started to drink a lot after I saw that picture. Once I told him about me sleeping with Techno, he was absolutely riled up; pissed especially since I wasn't in the right mind.

He didn't do anything at the moment but he continued to listen to me. Everything I told Sapnap, I told him opening up about how I felt and about how much I regretted everything.

A couple of minutes later... I finish speaking. There was an unhealthy amount of tension in the air. Dream quietly stands up. I can tell he's angry by.. a lot. I stand up as well slightly concerned. "Where are you going?" I ask him.

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