Entry #10

161 5 14

⭅ October 2; Saturday ⭆
⇽ 11:35 PM ⇾

Dream's POV

A White Lie

"What?! He's still not home?!" I ask extremely concerned pacing around the living room of their house.

"No... I assumed he was with you? You.. don't know where he is?" Mr. Davidson asks me as his expression changes.

"I'm going out to look for him again, I'll let you know if I find him" I walk out the front door heading to my car. I get in and start driving. Where the hell are you George? I didn't think the dinner would be able to go sideways. He's just as short-tempered as his mother. He really couldn't hold back. After he told me to wait in the car- I did exactly that thinking he'll come soon. Except he never showed up. I waited and waited... I started to get worried. I kept calling his phone and texting him.

It's past 11 at the night and he hasn't even come home whatsoever or even bothered to call. I know he was really upset with the events from earlier but he can't just go MIA like that out of the blue.

As I continue to drive down the dark empty streets, I grab my phone and pull up Sapnap's contact pressing on the phone icon to call him. After a few rings, he picks up. "Still no word from George?" I ask sighing.

"No I'm sorry man- but hey maybe... He's just out with a friend and he's okay"

"If he was he would've let me know"

"You don't think he's with his college friend or something? The one person no one thinks he'd be with at a time like this"


"Do you know his address?"

"Unfortunately no but a friend of mine might, give me five minutes and I'll text you the address"

"Alright thanks, Sap"

The call ends.

All I can do is wait. Would George really go to Techno's? Even after what happened? I just hate how he'd go to him instead. I despise Techno with all my heart, I don't want him doing anything to George or I swear to god. My phone vibrates so I take a quick look at it to find what should be his address. Great. I continue to drive to this address.

I really hope I'm wrong. I'd rather George be anywhere else but his place. I met Technoblade through Punz years ago. We were.. well I wouldn't say that he and I dated- but we did have something going on. It was more of a summer fling if you include the fact that we screwed, multiple times. That's one of the reasons I don't want George to be anywhere? I know how Techno can get. He's ruthless and dangerous and he's a huge dick. Maybe it's the fact that he's addicted or maybe it's the fact that he will never be able to love someone. He likes to discard people's feelings as if it's nothing. I can't have him hurting George. I know he's getting close with him to piss me off and it's seeking.

I pull up in front of Techno's house ready to exit my car. It's nearly 12. I need to know he's safe.. but with Techno? Who knows.

I turn off the engine and open the door getting out of the car. I walk to the front door hesitantly knocking. Soon after the door opens and I'm being greeted by a very familiar brunette. "Clay?" He asks confused leaning on the doorframe. His eyes are red, I can tell he's been smoking weed.

"Dream" I correct him. Barely anyone calls me Clay anymore. "Wilbur, where's Technoblade?" I ask crossing my arms.

"I'm here," Techno says walking to the front door. "What do you want?"

Wilbur heads inside as I continue to glare at the guy in front of me. "Where's George?"

A grin appears on his face. "He's in my bed, sleeping"

So George is here.

He sure as hell knows how to push my buttons.

"I want to see him"

"Well he doesn't want to see you besides- as I said, he's sleeping"

I groan. "Why are you like this?! Techno comes on, I really need to see him. His parents are worried, I'm worried. He wasn't texting me back"

"Maybe for a reason"

"What reason?"

Technoblade shrugs moving aside. "My room is down the hall"

I walk past him and straight to his bedroom opening the door. This house smells like weed and alcohol, I can't believe they were hanging out with him being intoxicated like that.

The lights were off and George was laying under the sheets with his clothes on the nightstand which makes me anxious, all I can think of is if Techno did something to him. It's not completely impossible.

I walk to the bedside sitting next to him. Should I wake him up..? Maybe. I probably should.

I gently shake him waking him up. "George?" I call for him.

He turns around in my direction opening his eyes. "Oh... Dream? What are you doing here?" George asks sitting up.

"I was worried sick, you haven't answered any of your messages.."

"I'm sorry, I was just... I don't know- stressed? I didn't plan on coming to Techno's. I was walking and got lost. He happened to pass by me with Wilbur and asked if I wanted to come over" He explains to me yawning.

"And you thought that was a good idea?"

"Dream... What else was I supposed to do? I didn't want to go back home and honestly, I was afraid"

"You should've come talk to me, I really care about you. Did Techno do anything to you?"

"Huh? No- I just had a few drinks and... I blacked out after a bit. Techno took me to bed. Why are you assuming he did something to me?"

"Because I know Techno. He can be.."

"Can be what?" Techno asks from the door frame.

"A huge fucking dick" I side-eye him. I turn my attention back to the boy in bed. "I don't want him anywhere near you, Let's go home"

"I.. don't want to, I'm staying here, at least for tonight"


"You heard the guy, out"

"Techno, fuck off dude"

He puts his arms up in surrender leaving us alone once again. "George, you can't stay"

"Dream I'm fine- I'm okay, I'll be okay. I just need some space. I'll text you, this time. I promise"

I sigh. "Okay, text me in the morning, please"

"I will"

I stand up with nothing else to stay leaving the room. I head out the front door as fast as I can. I can't fucking believe he'd rather be at Techno's.

I take out my phone to text Sapnap.

I found him
He was at Techno's
..with Wilbur

Holy shit really?
I didn't know Wilbur was back in town?

Yeah me neither
He's studying up in New York, isn't he?

I guess so
Is George okay?

Yeah... He wanted to stay at Techno's for the night


I know.
Are you free right now?

I'm at ****** park
Bring pizza and beer
I'm alone and bored

I close my phone and get in the car starting it. Guess I'm not going back home either. I'm going to text George's dad to let him know he's okay. He gave me his number when George didn't show up at all.

I really like him. I wish he wasn't so stubborn.

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