Entry #8

169 8 18

⭅ September 30; Tuesday ⭆
⇽ 4:54 PM ⇾

George's POV


I ended up taking Sapnap to his house first so he can shower and change. I went to Quackity's house afterward. I was going to take Dream to his place next but he insisted it wasn't necessary, for whatever reason, he has extra clothes in his bag so he can just shower at my place. I of course really didn't mind one bit. He's probably still in the shower, he's taking forever. Sapnap and Quackity are exploring my house, probably screwing in every room. They can't bear to be a whole minute away from each other.

Dream's using the bathroom in my room, I should probably go check up on him. I speed walk upstairs suddenly barging into the room without a second thought. I stop in my tracks noticing Dream was standing there with a towel wrapped around his waist. Oh shit. I slowly close the door behind me. Dream turns around to face me with a grin on his face. "Like what you see?"

I hate him so much.

"I do"


He chuckles. "I'm sorry I took so long, I'll finish getting dressed in a second so we can get going"

I notice the bruises on his stomach and out of instinct I walk up to him to take a closer look. "What happened to you?" I ask gently placing my hand on his abdomen. This doesn't look like it can be football-induced bruises. They look fresh.

He places his hand over mine pulling it away. "It's nothing, Don't worry about it"

"It doesn't look like nothing, does it hurt?"


I can tell you're lying.

"Are you sure you still want to go to the park? We can just stay home, the boys will understand"

"I can't do that to you"

"We can just hang out in the jacuzzi or something, I just want to make sure you're okay"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure, I'll leave you to change- I'll be downstairs" I place a small kiss on his cheek and walk out of the bedroom heading back downstairs. "Sapnap? Quackity?" I yell looking for them.

"I lost him," Sapnap says with a nervous chuckle walking toward me.

Good thing we have cameras everywhere. I took the security footage on my phone. "Oh, he's in the piano room... I didn't know he played" I say showing Sapnap my phone.

"He loves music" Sapnap faintly smiles looking at the live video.

"Down the hall to the right, also Dream and I won't be going to the park. He's not feeling well- you can take my car. As long as you don't crash it.." I hesitantly hand him the keys.

"It's a shame you guys won't be coming, I'll take care of your car don't worry!" His smile widens as he leaves to get Quackity.

I see Dream walk downstairs. He put on his varsity jacket again. It's literally like a piece of him at this point, it's cute.

"Want to watch a movie?" I ask as he finally takes the last step of the stairs walking toward me.

"These stairs go on forever- but yes I'd love to!"

I chuckle walking to the living room with Dream side by side. I sit on the couch and he sits next to me as I grab the remote. I press on Netflix. "What do you want to watch?"

"Whatever you want, you have a beer?"

"Mhm in the liquor cabinets, kitchen"

Dream nods standing up to go to the kitchen which wasn't that far, kind of. He later comes back with some cans of beer as I press on a fast and furious movie. He places the beer on the table in front of us, I lay down placing my head on his lap watching the movie play. The blonde runs his hand through my hair focused on the TV. I look up at him. There is no way in hell he's straight. His closet is literally made out of glass. I know damn well he's anything but straight. He's trying to convince himself otherwise.

I start poking his cheek. He looks down at me raising an eyebrow. "Do you need something?"


"Why what?"

"Why do you... you keep- You're like not fooling anyone but yourself"

"Is this about my sexual orientation again?"


I sit up looking at him.

"A straight guy wouldn't kiss me the way you did"

Shit, I let that slip.

"Oh.. that, It was just a dare-"

"You're a bad liar"

"George, listen, I just can't. I want to help you escape an unnecessary marriage which is why I agreed to be your fake boyfriend. No one should be forced to do things like that.. and the kiss, I really do like you but my dad would not like that at all. That's why I'm so convinced that I don't like you more than just a friend. I'm sorry"

Is this a confession?

I fucking called it.

"No I'm sorry, I got upset because you mean a lot to me and you make me feel ways I haven't before. It pisses me off how you're so convinced that you're straight.."

"You know the bruises you saw earlier? My dad did that to me yesterday when I mentioned you. He barely lets me go out with Sapnap. You're lucky you're a senior" He throws his head back on the couch. I forgot he's 17.

Maybe I can do something about it.

I am the mayor's son, after all, I've got a lot of blackmail on people. Sounds terrible I know but who cares.

A grin slowly starts appearing on my face.

"I know that look- don't do anything"

"My parents are coming tomorrow... I seriously can do something about it!" I stand up.

He grabs my wrist pulling me back down. "George no!" I try getting up again without saying a word and Dream immediately pins me back on the couch sitting on my lap. "You can be so reckless and irrational sometimes"

I smile placing my hands on his waist. "I won't do anything"

"I'm still not moving"


"There are a million rooms here and you guys look like you're about to screw on the couch," Sapnap says chuckling with Quackity by his side.

His face starts changing to all shades of red. I look over at Sapnap. I forgot they were still here. "We were about to leave," Big Q says.

"Be back by 11 and don't ruin my car or I'll kill you with my bare hands"

"Yes 'dad'" Sapnap rolls his eyes. They both start walking to the front door.

My attention turns back to the boy on me. He buries his head in my shoulder. He's cute when he's like this.

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