Entry #4

192 6 14

⭅ September 17; Friday ⭆
⇽ 9:16 PM ⇾

George's POV

A New Face

We've only been at this party for six minutes and counting.. I've only had a few drinks. I'm trying not to get absolutely wasted tonight because I still have work after this- more sleepless nights. Dream's wasted, Sapnap is crossfaded and Quackity is dancing like his life depends on it. I've seen a few familiar faces but none whom I would like to interact with. This is definitely not how I want to spend my Friday night. Parties are not my thing. I want to go home. I place my hand on the doorknob exiting the house. I like the silence. The music was starting to give me a huge headache.

It appears that I'm not alone. I see a guy leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette not that far from where I'm standing. He has a pink braid falling over his shoulder wearing a red turtleneck and black ripped jeans paired with combat boots. He's also wearing a varsity jacket but it doesn't seem to be from my school... I'm not surprised that other schools would show up to Punz's party. It's just strange because I've never seen him around here and that's a lot coming from me- I know everyone in this town.

"You're going to keep staring or?" The stranger asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize I was staring for so long.

"Oh, sorry! I just.. I've never seen you around here"

He blows out some smoke and smiles turning to face me. "I recently just moved from the south, that's why I have this jacket on" The boy explains adding, "I'm Technoblade but you can call me Techno"


"I'm George, what school do you go to?"

"I go to that college that's just two blocks from here"

Oh, college...

"So what are you doing at a high school party?"

"Punz made me come- I'd rather spend my night anywhere else... I don't want to be stuck babysitting him at his own party"

"Well then let's go somewhere else, I came in my car"

"Me running off with the mayor's son? Sure! Why not"

So he does know me. Well, at least I won't have to stay at this party any longer. I walk to my car getting in the driver's seat as Techno gets in the passenger seat next to me asking, "Where are we going?" I start driving down the street.

"Wherever you want" I reply.

"Let's go back to your place?" He suggests, more sounding like a question, unsure of it.

"Sure, I have the whole place to myself for the next few weeks. It's not like there's anything better to do anyway"


I turn on the volume of the radio a bit as Techno looks out the window. After a couple of minutes, we arrive so I pull into the driveway stopping the car. "I knew you were rich and shit but damn," He says exiting the car as I do the same chuckling. We walk up to the front door and I unlock it heading inside.

"Make yourself at home!" I say closing the door once again. It's good to be back home. I feel slightly bad leaving the three boys at the party but I'm sure they can take an uber back home or I'll just come back later. Either way- they'll be fine without me. "I have to do some paperwork in my office, feel free to do whatever you want" My father insisted on me having my own office. Now that I'm back home early, I can get some work done. "I'll be upstairs" I add.

Technoblade stops looking around for a second directing his attention toward me. "Can I keep you company while you do that?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah! I assume you're going to be bored"

He's awfully nice.

"Grab the tequila and vodka from the liquor cabinet in the kitchen, meet me upstairs, my office is the third door on the left," I tell him walking upstairs, running into my office falling back onto my chair in front of the computer. After 10 minutes or so of me setting up the documents on the computer, I hear a knock at the door. "Come in!"

The door opens and I meet eyes with Technoblade who was holding the alcohol in his hands. "Okay so apparently you have like.. a room full of paintings? It took me a while before I found the kitchen"

"Oh it's alright, sit"

He smiles closing the door behind him and walking to take a seat in front of me. He places the bottles of liquor on the table. "I forgot the glasses though"

"We can just drink it straight from the bottle," I say typing on the computer and finalizing some contracts.

Techno opens one of the bottles and drinks from it and plays music on his phone. I like his company honestly- I mean I know I shouldn't trust a guy I just met so easily... but come on- he's really not so bad. I thought he'd explore my house or something but he's just in my office keeping me company till I finish working. This is kind of nice. Hopefully, I get some work done.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" He speaks up after a while.

"Hm no, I'm not interested in women. Do you?"

"Nah, you're friends with the football team huh?"

"I wouldn't say, friends... I highly dislike football. I hang out with Dream a lot- occasionally Sapnap and maybe a few others. I hate all of them though"

He chuckles. "That's understandable, you're a senior?"

"Yeah, I'm 18, luckily I'll graduate soon and then fuck everyone else"

I smile grabbing the bottle of tequila and drinking from it. I have a weird obsession with tequila. It's one of the strongest things I have.. that I haven't drunk already. I continue to chug the alcohol due to stress and frustration. Techno grins keeping his gaze on me. "You might want to slow down," He tells me placing his hand on the bottle and pulling it away from my lips.

Why isn't it... oh I can feel it kicking in. "I need more.." I say slurring my words a bit.

"You've had enough- weren't you already drinking at the party?"

"Hm Yes.." I slowly stand up. "I need a nap, take me to bed" I extend my arms.

Techno sighs carrying me bridal style. "Where's your room?"

"First door.. on the right... by the stairs" I rest my arm around his neck. "..Thank you"


"I don't know but you're awesome" I rest my eyes.

He chuckles quietly taking me to my room. I know I'm going to beat myself up in the morning. I was barely able to finish my work.. whatever. I'll just do it tomorrow, maybe.

I wonder how the boys are doing...

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