Entry #14

136 5 1

⭅ October 4, Monday ⭆
⇽11:39 PM ⇾

George's POV

Late Night Misery

The party began two hours ago. I will forever wonder, why a Monday. Wilbur's weird. It was supposed to be a small party apparently but half his school showed up. I can hear the loud music from downstairs. I wouldn't exactly say.. I'm hiding from people- but eh I am. I'm watching TV in the guest bedroom, it's a little hard to focus but it doesn't matter. Dream texted me a couple of times and all I was able to respond with was 'I'm busy' and 'I'm at a party' so he doesn't start to get worried like last time although I already know he might be because parties are usually rarely my thing.

I hear the door open snapping me out of my thoughts. I look over his way. "Hi Techno" I softly say looking back at the television.

"Avoiding me?" He asks walking to the bedside and sitting next to me. "Why are you in the room when there's a party downstairs"

"I'm not in the mood for a party"


"Do you know Fundy?"

I shouldn't be asking him.

"..I do- why do you ask?"

I shouldn't be talking to him.

"He transferred to my school, Dream's ex-boyfriend"

"Is that why you're in such a bad mood?"

"Kind of"

Why am I telling him this?

Techno stands up holding out his hand. "Let's have some drinks you could definitely use it," He tells me. I sigh grabbing his hand. He pulls me up leading me out of the room and taking me downstairs. This is like Punz's party all over again.. but worst. A high school student like me shouldn't be here. I'm the mayor's son yet I keep... doing shit I shouldn't even be thinking of in the first place but here I am, being reckless yet again.

Techno continues to lead me through the crowd taking me to the kitchen and letting go of my hand. I pull myself up on the counter looking at him as he grabs an unopened bottle of liquor. He opens it pouring it into a red cup. I have no idea what it is but I could honestly care less. Techno hands me the cup standing in between my legs. He places the bottle next to me. I take a sip of the liquid feeling it burns my throat. Soon I start chugging it finishing it in five seconds. Techno watches me carefully, placing a hand over mine. "Slow down George.." He says.

My phone vibrates, and I take a quick look at it.

two files were attached.

An unknown number?

I look at the messages clicking on the photo that was sent to me along with a video. I close my phone grabbing the bottle next to me drinking it, almost forgetting Techno was with me. He gives me a concerned look removing the bottle from my hands putting it aside. "What's up with you? Who texted you?" He asks as I feel the alcohol kick in.

"That doesn't matter.." I bring my hands up to cup his face meeting eyes with him. I lean in pressing our lips together. After catching him a bit off guard, he kisses me back. I slightly open my mouth letting him explore every inch of my mouth.

I hear a few clicks from behind us but I disregard them, not really caring.

⭅ October 5; Tuesday ⭆
⇽ 2:38 AM ⇾

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