Entry #9

175 6 19

⭅ October 2; Saturday ⭆
⇽ 8:00 PM ⇾

George's POV

The Dinner

I fix Dream's tie smiling as we're standing in front of the restaurant. My parents are already inside waiting for us. He looks really good in a suit. Oh, I can't wait to rub it in my mother's face. This is going to be so good.. hopefully, Dream survives it though. I faintly smile. "Let's go?" He nods intertwining his fingers with mine. We walk inside the restaurant as I look around for my parents. I find them almost immediately walking to their table. I'm freaking out.. maybe a little bit. I'm nervous but then again who the hell wouldn't be?! We reach the table and my grip tightens on Dream's. He rubs circles on my hand reassuring me once more that it'll be okay. "Mom... Dad- Meet my boyfriend, Clay" I say hesitantly.

"It's nice to meet you Clay" My father smiles standing up and shaking his hand. He sits back down as we pull our seats to sit down, next to each other.

He's more supportive than my mom.

"I thought you'd never arrive," My mother says sternly looking slightly annoyed. I roll my eyes. We just got here and I want to leave already. "You couldn't have gone out with a girl instead?" She adds.

"Well, I'm sorry that your son would rather suck cock than go out with some petty little princes," I tell her leaning back in my seat.

Dream holds back his laughter trying not to get on anyone's bad side tonight.

My dad sighs. "Okay you two, we're here to get to know our son's boyfriend not beat at each other's throats"

I'm the only thing saving their marriage right now. It's a very thin line.

"So.. Clay- you go to George's school?" He asks him.

"Yes sir, I'm a junior, just a year younger than him"

"Do you play sports?"

"I'm the football captain of our team"

"Oh really? I used to play football back in high school"



"No way!"

He meets my dad for the first time and all they talk about is football. That's great. They are so alike, it'll be a pain in the ass. My mother has not said a word whatsoever. She's literally so mad. I can't believe how she's acting. I know Dream's not actually my boyfriend or anything.. but they don't know that- she should try being happier for me. She prefers me dating some random girl off the sidewalk than dating someone I'm actually interested in. She can be so fucking selfish. On the bright side Dream and my dad are bonding but my mother looks like she wants to rip me apart.

The waiter comes to our table with a smile to take our order. After she leaves, my mom continues to glare at me. Her vein looks like it might pop. I hope it does. I'm glad I'm 18 so I don't have to be putting up with her shit. The silence between us is terribly loud. "I'm moving out" I breathe out catching everyone's attention.

"..You're what?" She asks as her face goes pale.

"I don't want to take over your business and I don't want to be mayor either. I'm 18 so legally I can do whatever the hell I want"

It's about times I said it. I really don't know what was holding me back.

"I'll disown you"

"You- you'd disown me?"

"What? What the hell are you thinking?!" My father asks turning in her direction. I can tell he's getting angry so am I honestly.

"You will never change the fact that I like men and I absolutely hate you," I say standing up. "Dream wait for me in the car" I give him my keys. He quietly stands up and starts walking out of the restaurant with no other words left. "You are an unbelievable mother"

"You're creating a scene, George"

"Go fuck yourself" is the last thing I say as I proceed to leave the restaurant with tears in my eyes. I know Dream's waiting for me in the car but I don't want to go. I got all this off my chest, I've been wanting to tell her how I feel about everything for a while yet it still hurts so much. All I've ever wanted was her approval and acceptance.. she is my mom after all but guess some people are just not meant to be parents at all.

I walk down the sidewalk with no final destination and a million thoughts roaming through my head. I can't believe this. I can't believe how selfish she's being. If she wants to disown me so bad.. fine. Screw her, screw her business, screw this fucking town. I give up. I give up trying to pretend that everything's okay when it's just not. I don't think I can do this.

I continue to walk eventually reaching an unfamiliar familiar neighborhood. I have no idea where I am. I can feel tears fall down my cheek. It's cold. I look up seeing millions of stars. It's a beautiful night full of misery and despair. This just can't get any worst.

I stop walking and sigh. "George?" I hear someone call out for me. I notice a car pass by me.


He was in the car with someone else, a friend I'm assuming. "What are you doing out here alone?" He asks concerned.

"Well nothing seems to be going right and I'm in the mood to get wasted"

"Well I was going back to my place with Wilbur to have a couple of drinks, it's just around the corner. Come with us"

"Yeah okay, I'll come," I say getting in the back seat of the car as he starts driving again.

⭅ October 2; Saturday ⭆
⇽ 10:37 PM ⇾

I've had already so much to drink, that I think I'm going to throw up. Wilbur's cool though. He's also in college and a musician at that. They're both great companies. My phone continues to ring but I can barely even see straight. I need to go back home... I honestly don't want to. Techno and Wilbur have barely drank. They have been smoking a lot of weed though. I have to stop trying to drink my feelings away. I lay down on the couch looking up at the ceiling. The other two are hanging out on the balcony. I wish things were different but I guess some things.. were never meant to be.

"Techno-! Come here!" I yell slurring my speech a bit.

He walks back inside looking at me. "Yes? Is everything okay?"

"I need a hug"

Techno faintly smiles walking toward me as I sit up. He sits next to me wrapping his arms around my waist. This is kind of nice. Wilbur walks back inside after a moment looking at us. "You guys are cute," He says sitting next to us.




Fuck fuck fuck.

I break the hug looking for my phone. "Where's my phone?"

"In your pocket," Wilbur says taking it out of my pocket and handing it to me.

"I really.. need to get out of this suit" I put my phone down on the table in front of us took off my jacket, unbuttoning my shirt soon after.

"Do you want to change in my room?" Techno offers.

"No... I'm fine here"

He smiles keeping his eyes on me. I slip off my shirt laying down with my head on Techno's lap and my legs over Wilbur's. I can't even remember what brought me here in the first place. I rest my eyes for a bit slowly dozing off. I forgot what I was supposed to do.

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