Entry #13

157 4 4

⭅ October 4, Monday ⭆
⇽10:26 AM ⇾

George's POV

The New Kid

I start walking down the empty halls, alone. It's my free period and Dream's in class along with Sapnap and some other friends. I am so bored. I'll admit- it is so damn boring without that stupid blonde. I like hanging out with him, I just keep falling harder by the minute. He's like a drug, I can't seem to get enough of him. I continue to wander around the halls soon stopping in front of the principal's office hearing an unfamiliar voice. Weird. As soon as I'm about to walk away, the door opens. "Oh! George, Do you have a second?" Mr. Lee asks me next to ginger who seemed like he was around my age. I've never seen him before. Maybe a transfer student?

"Not for you, I don't," I tell him harshly, a little annoyed.

"I'd expel you if I had the chance"

"But you don't so what is it that you want?"

"We have a new student... I was wondering if you can show him around and take him to his class? I filled him in with most things" The older man explains to me.

This is annoying.

"Alright, I'll do it" I agree without putting up a fight. It's not like I have anything better to do"

"Be nice" Mr. Lee warns walking back into his office.

"..Well I'm Fundy," The new kid says walking toward me.


"Yeah, you?"

"I'm a senior," I tell him. We begin walking down the hallway side by side. "What class do you have?"

"Err.. mathematics with Miss Henderson"

Dream has that class! I can see him. It's only a few doors down. "Okay" is all I say speeding up my pace as the junior tries to keep up. Eventually, we arrive at the classroom. I open the door catching the teacher's attention. "Hey Miss H! You've got a new student" I let her know as Fundy nervously walks inside.

Dream's head immediately perks up as soon as he sees the new kid. He has this look on his face, if I didn't know any better- they know each other. Sapnap keeps eyeing the both of them. Something is up.

Miss H gives me a warm smile. "Awesome! You can take a seat anywhere" She tells Fundy. He slowly nods taking a seat in the empty chair pretty close to the front.

"You mind if I borrow Clay and Nick really quick?" I ask afterward.

"Sure, just make sure to bring them back"

I smile looking over at Dream. "Come on baby, I want to talk to you and you too Sapnap.." I say innocently. He groans standing up from his chair and so does the other as the class starts to murmur because of what I said. I exit the classroom once again being followed soon after by both American closings the door behind us. "So.. you guys know him?" I ask leaning against the wall.

"Is this why you called us out here?" Dream asks.

"Is it that obvious?" Sapnap bluntly asks ignoring the blonde.

"Well yeah- so do you?"

"Something like that.. I'll let Dream tell you, I'm going to use the restroom. Good luck with that" Sapnap pats his back walking away from us.

My attention turns back to Dream as I raise an eyebrow I wait until he tells me. He takes the hint and sighs. "He's my ex-boyfriend"

I.. did not expect that.

I don't know what I expected but it was not that. Another dumb ex boyfriend? I have no idea how to respond to that. I look away from him. "Go back to class, I'll talk to you later" I breathe out quietly.

"George.." Dream softly says placing a hand on my cheek.

"Miss H wouldn't want me keeping you out for so long, we'll talk later" I move his hand away. Dream nods without saying another word hesitantly walking back inside the classroom.

Sapnap comes back seconds after Dream walked in. As he's placing his door on the handle, he looks over at me. "Keep an eye out for Fundy" and with that, he walks back into his class leaving me to think about a lot of things. What the hell does he mean by that? He can't just say something like that and leave.

Maybe I've overthinking things.. or maybe it's just Sapnap being an asshole. I'd prefer him messing with me than Fundy being an actual threat. I mean I know Dream and I aren't dating.. but it still bothers me. There has to be a reason why he transferred to this same school with his ex-boyfriend. There's no way It was just a coincidence.

I cross my arms walking further away from the classroom. This is stupid.

I want to go home but not really. I haven't talked to my parents since that.. thing that went down at the restaurant. Bad let me stay at his place which I was more than grateful for that. He's been amazing, helping me sort things out.

I think I'm going to ditch it. Maybe I'll ask Wilbur to pick me up. I hardly ever talk to him but I'm sure he won't mind, he gave me his number the first and last time we saw each other. He's a better option than Techno... Dream would be really mad if I went ahead and left with him again.

I take out my phone pulling up Wilbur's contact.

Hey Will
Are you free?
I was wondering if you could pick me up

Aren't you in school right now?

Yeah... I got bored
I want to leave and I don't have my car at the moment

Be in there in 5

I close my phone as I speed up my pace heading out the building and out the main gates, not being noticed by anyone, thankfully. I wait for a couple of minutes seeing a familiar car pull up. I faintly smile getting in the passengers seat. "So.. why did you want to leave school? I know it wasn't just because you were bored" He can literally see right through me.

"Dream's ex-boyfriend transferred to our school," I say throwing my head back in the seat.

"Oh? Trouble in Paradise?" He starts driving to god knows where.

He is so annoying.

"Of course not" I deny.

"Hm okay... Do you want to go to a party tonight?"


On a Monday?

"Yeah I'm throwing a party with a few other college friends"

Yeah, it's probably not just a few.

"I'll go"

What the hell am I saying?!

"Great! We can go chill at my place until tonight it starts"

"I need to change clothes though"

He shrugs. "You can borrow something of mine, what you're wearing now is fine too"

I hum in response watching him pull up into his driveway. I can't believe I'm agreeing to what.. a frat party? With a bunch of college imbeciles? It's too late to back down now.

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