The End

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"Hey hun, are you hungry?" Dream asks walking into our bedroom as I was laying on my stomach reading from the diary I had found while cleaning out the closet.

I smile looking over his way. "I found my high school Diary.. and kind of got distracted," I tell him closing the book.

He sits on the bed by my side. "Diary? What's in it?"

"Everything that happened from the first time we met" I chuckle at the thought of it. It's been about seven years already. Dream and I got engaged hoping to get married soon. We also adopted two kids, He moved in with me after he turned 18. My parents gave me the house signing it under my name.

I went to college for about two years until I dropped out. I decided to take over my mother's business. She was sick, very sick and she passed away four years ago.

She apologized for everything and of course, I forgave her while she was on her death bed. After my father retired- I ran for mayor, he moved out of town to have a peaceful leave, and he calls once in a while to make sure everything's going okay. I wasn't going to but sometimes things just happen. Dream supported me all the way. I am seriously so grateful to have him.

Sapnap and Quackity moved in as well having their room.. with Karl. The three of them got even closer than they used to be and fell in love all over again. They're dating.

We're all great friends. I don't regret asking them to move in. It's like a party every night. I have the money to support all of us and more. The boys insisted on helping though so they do.

Quackity opened a casino here in his hometown as Karl manages it. Sapnap's a streamer.. a great one at that, we still have our fair share of arguments.

As for Dream? Oh, I made him be a stay-at-home dad. I mean I make A LOT of money so it's not like he needs his job anyways. He's fine staying at home with the kids and he's also a great cook, it's cute. He's picked up on a lot of hobbies whenever I'm not home. As I've mentioned, we adopted two kids.. a girl and a boy, both the same age. We usually have the butler watch them but sometimes Dream does it, he loves them so much just like I do.

The other three are like the uncle I don't like them being around because they are chaotic and disastrous, always, every single time. I don't them taking care of my kids because the other day Sapnap said and I quote, 'fuck them kids' as Karl agreed to that statement and Quackity said how he wanted to punch a baby in the face for crying so much so I don't trust them one bit.

Dream went running a quick errand and left them with the three boys. Let's just say.. there was paint all over the house, toilet paper on every chandelier, and loud music blasting through the house. We adopted 12 year old's that matches Sapnap's energy, it's terrible and annoying as hell. I already scolded Dream for leaving the kids alone with them he won't do it again (that's a lie).

I was cleaning out the closet and came across the diary that was hidden away in a box. After I graduated, I kind of just.. stopped writing in it. I sat down on the bed and started reading it from page one which was the day I met my fiancé. I've never actually written in the notebook until that day and then I just started writing in it constantly. It's filled with a lot of memories and events from my senior year. So much happened in just a span of like a year or so. It's crazy.

I still wonder what happened to Technoblade.. we kind of lost contact a while ago. Wilbur's a very popular musician now, we hang out every time we get the chance, we've been extremely busy so it's hard but in the end, we always make time for each other. I still talk to a few other people from high school. Fundy was expelled I'm pretty sure, and moved out of town- pfft, pussy.

"The kids are finally asleep... I am exhausted" Dream says standing back up and getting ready for bed.

I smile watching him. "They gave you a hard time today?"

"Something like that.. only because Sapnap kept encouraging their bad behavior- not that Quackity is any better. Karl is the only decent human being living under this roof, god"

"Are they asleep too?"

"Karl's sleeping, Quackity is in the pool, and Sapnap's with him too taking pictures for his Instagram like if he's Kim Kardashian or something"

I snicker. "Wait till I tell him that you're comparing him to a Kardashian"

"Oh, he'll kill me!"

Dream gets under the sheets in just his boxers. I should probably change as well. I get up from the bed removing my sweatpants keeping on Dream's hoodie that reaches a little higher than my mid-thighs. I lay back in the bed, under the sheets this time facing the blonde next to me. He grins sliding his hand under the hoodie. Even after all this time, he's still trying to get in my pants. "Really Dream?" I ask being pulled closer to him.

He simply shrugs. "The kids are asleep so why not? It's been forever"

"You are so annoying"

"But you love me anyway"

I roll my eyes bringing him in for a passionate kiss that soon turns into a heated make-out session. I move to sit on his lap deepening the kiss as I let him explore my mouth. He moves his hands downwards, inside my briefs. I can feel him getting hard, didn't take him too long. I slowly grind against his boner earning a small groan from him until a knock is heard from outside our bedroom door. I break the kiss looking at the boy underneath. "It's probably Olivia... Again" I quietly say catching my breath.

"Again? It's the fourth night in a row" Dream points out.

I get off Dream walk to the door opening it. "Hey darling what's up?"

"..nightmares- Oliver's being a huge douche so that's why I came here instead"

I eye the blonde who was still hard and extremely annoyed. "Give me 15 minutes.. just wait okay?"

She groans throwing her head back. I nervously smile and close the door. "We got 15 minutes"

"Sounds good"
Olivia cuddles up against me in between Dream and me, she fell asleep so quick. The blonde continues to look at me with an aggravated look on his face. "Why do you keep letting her sleep with us?" Dream asks quietly trying not to wake her up.

"Because she's our daughter and she's having nightmares Dream! Don't be a dick" I tell him.

"Karl loves her.. you should've told her to sleep with him"

Karl does like kids, he just prefers not having any of his own, especially with child haters like Sapnap and Quackity.

"Really? Dude! Besides... Sapnap would end up drawing on her face with a fucking sharpie while Quackity records"

"Still an option" He shrugs. "We barely have any alone time anymore"

"Stop complaining and go to bed!"

"Fine.." Dream places a soft kiss on my lips later closing his eyes and adding a "Good night"

I faintly smile. I'm out here living the Dream.. this is nice. No matter how many times this dumb ass may complain about it, everything's perfect. I wouldn't want to change anything about my life. I close my eyes dozing off into sleep.

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