Entry #3

221 9 18

⭅ September 17; Friday ⭆
⇽ 6:35 PM ⇾

George's POV

Second Choices

"Party? No way in hell!" I yell pacing around in my bedroom with the blonde's eyes on me, he was sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Please, it'll be fun!"

"I can't be caught dead at a party"

"You said your parents will be gone for a while so does it matter?"

"I'll be acting as mayor meaning I can't be at a high school party with a bunch of underage drinking and smoking. It's illegal!"

"Never stopped you from blackmailing the head of the school"

I groan annoyed still walking back and forth. My parents left on their trip this morning, leaving me alone to make all the town's decisions and Dream has been trying to convince me to go to this stupid party that apparently Punz hosting. He's on the football team as well, friend's with Dream, and a huge party animal or so I've heard... it's tonight at like 9 pm to- well until people start passing out due to alcohol poisoning.

I can't risk showing up to a party with teenagers doing a bunch of illegal things because then I'd have to have them arrested or else my parents will absolutely kill me. I don't want anyone getting in trouble because of me so as long as I don't see what's going on then I won't be able to shut down the party. I'm already turning a blind eye to the fact that one of the most popular guys is throwing a party with a shitload of alcoholic beverages. Dream's trusting me a little too much with this.

I can always play dumb and say I didn't know about the party but if I'm actually at the party.. that's a different story. It's a risky move. I'm acting mayor. I don't know what to do.. he really wants me there. My fake boyfriend wants me to go to a dumb party although I have huge responsibilities.

"George, you're the one who wanted to spend more time with me for when I got to meet your parents" Dream states standing up from my bed.

He's meeting my parents when they come back from their trip. It's making me a little anxious, I'll admit. I stop walking and face him.

"Yeah but not at a party! I've already looked the other way one too many times for you and your dumb friends. I can't continue"

"Come for at least an hour, we'll leave if you don't like it"

I sigh walking toward him. "Fine- we can go.."

"Yes! Awesome!" He exclaims.

Ugh, straight people...

"What should I wear?"

"You'd look hot in a skirt"

"Oh my god! Shut up" A giggle escapes my lips as a throw myself on the bed burying my head in the pillow.

Dream smiles sitting back down, next to me. "Can Sapnap and Quackity hang out here before the party?"

"Yeah.. okay- so I'll drive us to the party then" I mumble lifting my head up from the pillow.

Sapnap and Quackity keep saying how their summer fling was nothing more than just a fling but I believe otherwise. Not so straight. Sapnap and I argue almost always, Quackity's alright though. I like him. He is nothing compared to Sapnap.

Dream pulls his phone to text the boys I'm guessing. "So what made you think I was straight?" He asks still looking at his phone.

"Have you seen yourself? Your just another hot dumb blonde that flirts with every girl you see"

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