Entry #5

180 6 21

⭅ September 18; Saturday ⭆
⇽ 11:25 AM ⇾

George's POV


I groan opening my eyes. What time is it? I am so tired. I notice I'm in a different set of clothes and in bed. I immediately sit up as memories of last night flood my head. I grab my phone from the nightstand.

3x missed calls from Quackity

6x missed calls from Sapnap

16x missed calls from Dream

Dream also texted me quite a bunch... I forgot about them for a second. I wonder how they got home. I'm so glad it's Saturday. I hear my door open and look up to see Techno standing there with a tray of food. I thought he left. I faintly smile. "Good morning!" I greet him.

"Morning, I made you breakfast," He says walking to the bedside and placing the food on the nightstand. "How do you feel?"

"I feel terrible- I'm surprised you're still here"

"You were stress drinking, I couldn't just leave you like that... I uh finished signing off all those contracts for you and shut down your computer after I placed you in bed. You knocked out cold, I changed your clothes for you"

"Oh my god, you're.. shit thank you! You're a real lifesaver"

"Of course handsome, also- Clay's waiting for you downstairs"

"You know Dream?" I lightly yawn starting to eat my phone taking the pain killers that were on the side.

"Yeah... He and I have history, he didn't like the fact that I was here with you"

I should probably get up. Why is Dream here so early anyway? It's unusual. Especially so early. For my fake boyfriend, he's so overprotective. "Tell him I'll be down in a few minutes.. thank you for the breakfast- it means a lot," I tell him getting up from bed. I walk into the bathroom that's connected to my bedroom.

⭅ September 18; Saturday ⭆
⇽ 11:40 ⇾

I finish getting dressed and walk out of my room heading downstairs into the main living room. I notice Dream and Technoblade sitting on the opposite of the couch, doing anything but talking to each other. Dream eyes me quickly standing up. "George! Where the hell has you been?!" He exclaims wrapping his arms around me. He had a lot to drink last night, how the hell does he have so much energy this early on a Saturday... Jesus.

I break the hug looking at him. "I... So listen- I didn't want to be there, I met Techno and we just sort of left? I had a lot to drink last night while trying to work and forgot about picking you guys up" I try explaining to him.

"You had me so worried- out of anyone, you had to come here with him? Alone?" He eyes the other slightly annoyed.

Technoblade was staring at his phone listening to the conversation. "He just prefers me over you, anyone with the right mindset would," He says. The blonde just seems to get even more irritated by the second.

I glare at him and then look back at Dream. "It's not a big deal Dream.. how's Sapnap doing? And Big Q?"

"Punz let them both stay in the guest room because they were wasted. I took an uber home, I kind of assumed you went home but I was still kind of worried"

"I'm sorry I worried you- but I'm fine don't worry"

"Why is he still here?" Dream points at Techno raising an eyebrow.

"Because I'm taking him out to dinner," He says without a second thought.

"You're what?"

"He's what?"

Techno smiles putting his phone aside. "It's Saturday and I liked hanging out with you last night," He tells me standing up.

Dream crosses his arms. "You're not going anywhere with him"

They start bickering, insulting each other, cursing at each other- they won't stop. I slowly back away sneaking out the front door. Hopefully, they don't end up dead. I just need some fresh air. I don't understand what's the problem between them. I can't believe Technoblade's arguing with a high schooler right now, especially over me.. how immature, Dream isn't any better though.

My parents still won't be coming anytime soon unless they happen to have some sudden emergency which there's only like a 10% chance of that even happening. Dream and I haven't talked much about that topic. I mean come on- I introduce him to my parents as my boyfriend who's like the love of my life so I won't have to marry anyone. I just have to keep the act long enough for them to believe it. Dream and I are waiting a bit longer before anyone knows.

I've been spending a lot of time with Dream and sure I wouldn't exactly consider us friends.. we're kind of there? I guess? He's been taking his boyfriend role a little too seriously. If he wasn't straight, I would start believing that he's into me. He's extremely flirty and bold but it's just how he acts. I barely see him as anything more than the guy who's going to save me from an endless marriage.

I'll come back home whenever they stop arguing. I am super grateful that Techno helped me with work and even took care of me.

I will forever wonder why there's so much tension between them. I'll maybe ask Dream later if I ever bring it up. I'm leaving a college student.. and a high school student... in my house- arguing- alone. I just hope nothing gets physical. The new butler isn't here until next week and I don't think I have our maid's number. My parents usually take care of all that stuff.

I'm going to Bad's. Yes. Going to do that instead of hanging out with immature men.

I get in the car starting the drive to my friend's house. Bad and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. He's one of my closest friends. He's honestly amazing and so sweet and just the best person to ever hang out with.

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