Entry #7

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⭅ September 30; Tuesday ⭆
⇽ 1:45 PM ⇾

George's POV

The Football Game

I stood by the bleachers waiting for Quackity who was going to sit with me. He went to the concession to grab something to drink. The game is going to start soon. I hope he doesn't take long so I can finally sit down. Dream runs up to me. "George! Listen my game's about to start in a few but I wanted to say hi!"

I smile at his enthusiasm. "I know absolutely nothing about football so know I'm only here for you"

"It means a lot honestly, where's Quackity?"

"He's on his way" I point into the distance at the guy with a beanie walking our way. Guessing he changed his mind about the lemonade.

"Hm okay, after the game- let's go to the amusement park that just opened. We can go with Sapnap and Quackity"

"You should maybe.. go back to them- the game's about to start"

"Oh right!" Dream runs off waving at me.

Quackity runs the rest of the way finally reaching the bleachers where I was standing. "Okay so... I was going to get lemonade but the line's long and the game is about to start" He grabs my hand leading me up the bleachers and sitting down. I smile sitting down next to him.

After a few minutes into the game, I get distracted staring down at my phone. Football is so weird. I also have no idea what's going on. Dream seems to be having fun... I think? Well, he really likes football so I hope so. Quackity continues to cheer happily and full of excitement. The referee blows his whistle stopping the game for who knows what. I'm going to the restroom... "Quackity I'll be back in a second," I say. He nods, eyes still on the field. I walk down the stairs walking around the benches.

I hesitantly dial my mother's number calling her. She picks up almost immediately. "George! I am so glad you called- Listen, honey, your dad and I have decided to come home sooner. It took a lot of convincing but he agreed to it. I'm just excited for you to get married soon and take over the business!" My mother exclaims into the phone sounding way more excited than I am.

"Mom, I have a boyfriend" I quickly point out before she continues to speak.

"A.. boyfriend, how long?" She asks not seeming that happy about it.

"Two weeks"

Mom audibly sighs. "We'll be home tomorrow night, I'll make reservations for this weekend. Make sure your boyfriend comes"

The phone call ends making me a bit frustrated. This is so annoying. I can't wait until the game is officially over. I have to tell Dream. I stay under the bleachers for a while debating whether or not I should go back to Quackity. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to ditch them again. They're still holding the whole me sneaking off with Technoblade in the middle of Punz's party against me. I should probably go back before they notice I'm not with Quackity.

⭅ September 30; Tuesday ⭆
⇽ 3:00 PM⇾

The game's been over for a bit now. Needless to say, our school's team won. No shocker there. They are really good, especially Dream. He's in the locker room at the moment changing back to his normal clothes. He told me to wait for him under the bleachers which is what I'm doing. Quackity's waiting in my car until the other two are finished. I gave him my keys. We're probably going to my house and then making a stop at theirs before we head to the amusement park. I still haven't got the chance to talk to Dream about you know.. my parents and stuff.

I'm going to see if he's almost finished. I walk to the locker room walking inside. It was empty, the only two here were of course- Dream and Sapnap. They're messing around with the football. No wonder they're taking forever in here. "Are you guys done already?" I ask crossing my arms.

They turn to me dropping the ball. "Sorry! Were you waiting for long? Where's Quackity?" Dream asks me.

"I gave him the keys to my car, he's waiting"

"You shouldn't trust Big Q with your car," Sapnap says smiling.

"Let's just go! We'll stop by my place really quick so I can change then I'll drive you to your places so you guys can change before we leave to the amusement park"

They look at each other and back at me saying, "Fine"

Great. I walk back out of the locker room being followed by both Americans. We continue to walk to the parking lot. I pause for a minute. "Sapnap goes wait with Quackity, I need to talk to Dream," I tell him. He eyes me suspicious but walks past me to go look for my car.

Dream walks to my side. "What's up?"

"My parents are coming back earlier than expected, I told them that I had a boyfriend and now they want to have dinner together this weekend.. will you be able to come?"

"Oh... I mean yeah! As far as I know, I'm free- you seem to be more nervous than I am" He points out.

"She's slightly homophobic and she can be.. rude, annoying and she'll ask a lot of things. She can also say things with no care about the other person"

"Have you met Sapnap? He's a bitch half the time, I'm sure it'll be fine"

"We can always just reschedule-"

Dream grabs my hand holding it tightly. "Everything will be okay Georgie, have some faith" He reassures me with a warm smile. His smile gives me butterflies oh my god. I know he's a very clingy person and he can be very touchy so I never found it weird but every time he touches me is like the world just stops. It's so irritating. Especially when I know that he sees me as nothing more than a friend.

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