Entry #11

170 5 14

⭅ October 3; Sunday ⭆
⇽ 8:25 AM ⇾

George's POV


I scroll through Twitter while Techno's still sleeping next to me. Wilbur's in the other room, sleeping probably, He stayed over last night. Wilbur was crossfaded as shit but it was fun.

Dream came last night to see me because he got worried. It's sweet, I feel bad telling him to go but I just didn't want to go back home. I don't understand why Dream doesn't like Technoblade but it doesn't matter now. I mean he's been sweet taking care of me. I would stay another night but I can't just avoid my problems forever, No matter how much I want to. As I'm about to stand up Techno grabs my waist holding me down. "Where are you going?" He mumbles looking over at me.

"I have to get dressed.. and go home," I tell him sighing.

"Do you have to?"

"Unfortunately I do, I really have to take a shower, I reek of alcohol"

"Fine.. I'll drive you home so let me know when you're done," He says pulling his arm away. I faintly smile, as I'm about to get out of bed I realize I'm not wearing anything underneath. I forgot. Techno smiles handing me his hoodie that was on the other side of the bed. I put it on and it reaches my mid-thighs. I slowly slip out of bed walking outside the room and into the bathroom. I have a huge headache. I have like a few missing memories from last night. I had more than just a few to drink.

I take off the hoodie turning on the shower as I get in. I hear the door open and take a peek. "Wilbur? Did someone die?" I ask smiling.

"No, I just wanted to talk to you"

"Can't you wait until I'm finished here?" I ask continuing to shower.

"Well I could.. but I didn't want to. Techno's still in bed?"

"He is"

"Okay great so are you like interested in him?"

"Interested in him?

"Like romantically or sexually?"


"You're crazy, no! He's just a friend"

"Friends don't sleep naked together"

Of course, he noticed.

"Pass me the towel," I tell him and so he does exactly that while I turn off the shower. "Listen, Will... Even if I did like him, which I don't, Dream hates his guts and I have no idea why"

"Why do you care so much what Dream thinks?"

Because I like him.

"I don't. Can you tell me why they can't be in the same room together without trying to kill each other"

I dry myself later grabbing the hoodie to put it on again letting it drop.

Wilbur hesitantly answers, "They used to go out"

I move the shower curtains stepping out. "What?"

"That's probably why Dream doesn't want you seeing him.. aside from the point- You should go home"

We do set ourselves up for disappointment.

"Hm, why?"

"You're the mayor's son. You have responsibilities and you have so much to do in life. You haven't even graduated yet George. I know that not everything may be as perfect as you'd like it to be, instead of feeling sorry for yourself.. try picking up the pieces. You wouldn't want to be feeling like this forever. Dream really likes you, anyone can tell, you should talk to him, you hurt him you know. Be patient because everything will fall in place soon" He tells me leaving me speechless as I look at him star-struck. Wilbur walks out of the bathroom leaving me alone with my thoughts. Deep inside I know he's right but even so, I don't want to accept that. Now I know why Dream gets so upset whenever I go out with Techno. I need to apologize.

I use a spare toothbrush and quickly brush my teeth walking out of the bathroom and heading back into Techno's room. He's still in bed, and fell back asleep. I grab my phone off the nightstand searching for Dream's number. As soon as I do, I click on the text messages.

Good morning :)

Good morning

I need you to pick me up from Techno's place
I really need to talk to you... it's important

Alright, I'll be there in a bit

Pass by my place and get me clean clothes first
Thank you xx

Of course Georgie

I smile at the last text and close my phone. I sit on the bed waiting for him. I look over at Techno sighing.

⭅ October 3; Sunday ⭆
⇽ 8:40 AM ⇾

I hear a knock at the door and immediately stand up to go open it. I look up to see bright emerald eyes and a warm smile. "Dream!" I jump into his arms hugging him. He moves his hands down to hold me tight as I wrap my legs around him.

He chuckles. "Well hello to you too"

He doesn't seem mad at me luckily. It would destroy me if he was.

"I'll change in the car, can we go?"

"Why are you in such a hurry today?" The blonde asks me to close the front door.

"I just am, take me to the car!"

"Okay okay"

Dream tightens his grip on me taking me to his car and opening the back seat. He places me down on the seat as I pull the hoodie down shifting uncomfortably. He raises an eyebrow looking down at me. "What are you wearing underneath?"


I grab the bag that was on the floor grabbing my clothes. He looks at me with a sluggish grin, he places his hand on my cheek. "Let's just get home" I mumble annoyed.

He places a kiss on my temple and proceeds to walk around the car getting in the driver's seat. I move back closing the door on my side. Dream starts driving eyeing me back and forth. I look at the clothes he brought me, he has good taste. I smile slowly removing the hoodie. I slip on boxer's and as I'm about to finish getting dressed, I can feel the American's eyes on me.

There's so much tension in the air. "Hey Dream, can you pull over to that empty street really quick?" I ask putting the clothes aside.

Dream nods slightly confused driving into the empty street stopping the car. "Are you okay?"

I don't say anything and instead, crawl to the front sitting on top of his lap smiling. He places his hand on my bare waist as I lean in closer pressing our lips together.

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