»»----- III -----««

12 3 3


。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

Featherkit pranced over to Twigpaw on wobbly legs.

She smiled and congratulated the young kit.

"You're going to be so fast one day," Twigpaw commented.

Featherkit puffed up his chest in pride.
"Yuh! Imma be super speed cat speed!"

Rainpaw came over to them. "How is Featherkit going?" He asked, looking at the kit as he turned to go stalk some leaves.

"Good, tell Mira we can leave for the city later on today,"

After the events at their home ... or old home, Mira had asked if they go to the city to check it out. They were hesitant at first, as the "city" was a dangerous place normally full of two legs, but Mira pointed out that there would be lots of food to eat, and that they might find some of their missing clanmates along the way.

Iceflower ... Stormflight ... Rosebranch ... Birdsong ... Doveblossom ... Snowdrop ...

Nightpaw ...

So few were left of a once thriving clan.

She glanced down at Featherkit and grinned.

— — — — — —

Their small group of three, which was now eight, began the walk to the city.

With Mira leading the way and Sandkit at her paws, it was a slightly longer journey with their younger companions.

"Are we almost there?" Owlkit asked.

"Mouse - brain, we just leave," Featherkit snapped.

"Yeah, but, it be close maybe?" Rosekit piped up.

Featherkit rolled her eyes. "No, it far away."

Rainpaw and Twigpaw watched the kits arguing with amusement, reminders of the days they were like them.

"It's sometimes hard, and sometimes nice to remember what it was like as kits," Rainpaw sighed. "Maybe, if I leave somewhere to live free, the days will be like that again ..."

Twigpaw winced slightly as he dropped the "we" from his sentence. "Yeah but you wouldn't, right? We will find the rest of our clan and rebuild again, we will need you for that to help us, and plus, we are you friends, you can't just leave us like that," Twigpaw pointed out.

She almost added that Nightpaw would probably want to stay with the clan, but the idea of Rainpaw wanting to stay because of that hurt.

Twigpaw knew after moons of confusion, feelings of hurt, jealousy and affection ... they were all linked to something.

"I guess you're right ..." Rainpaw said, looking at the sky before shaking his head. "I dunno ... both my parents are dead, and so are my unborn siblings. Maybe going off to start a new life would be nice."

"You'd want to be with Nightpaw, right?" Twigpaw blurted.

Rainpaw gave her an odd look, pausing before his answer. "Yes."

Twigpaw titled her head, smothering her reaction. "Why?"

Rainpaw shrugged. "I'm not sure, I just do, we were ... well, I just enjoyed spending my time with her when we were figuring out the prophecy ... for example."

That could have been me and Rainpaw if I hadn't run off like a mouse brain.

Yet another reason why she hated that, and everything she'd done during that time.

"I hope we find her," Rainpaw sighed. "I hope she's not dead."

Twigpaw nodded. "Me too."

Nightpaw is my sister! 

So why is my answer so hesitant?

She glanced at her paws.

She knew the horrible truth why.

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