»»----- IIII -----««

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。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚

TW: Relatable feelings [Jealousy]

Twigpaw talked with Amberpaw for the rest of the day. She felt Rainpaw could sense her discomfort, and they didn't speak to one another.

"It's getting quite late, we should stop somewhere," Mira said, frowning at the skies. "The kits are tired too, it's a lot of walking for them."

Featherkit and Owlkit's arguments probably drained the last drops of energy they had, and were now walking quietly beside Twigpaw.

Rosekit was asleep, being carried in Rainpaw's soft jaws, but Sandkit still seemed as alive as ever, still leading with Mira at the front.

They had crossed a wild set of territories, they were well past the point of the furthest Twigpaw had been.

Thin forests, wrecked by the Tsunami were abundant in their area. Sometimes they passes two leg settlements, farms like Nettle's home, all were quiet, nothing stirred at all.

This went on for several days, and eventually Twigpaw was quite comfortable with walking in these now - familiar lands.

As they woke up on the fourth day, Amberpaw spotted something worrying.

"Their's someone coming, straight toward us," She said, fretting. "I don't think I recognize them."

Rainpaw turned to see what she saw. "Uh ... Mira, take the kits into the tree over there," He said, gesturing to a big oak over to the left."

"Who do you think it-" Twigpaw was cut off as she saw a black and white pelt.

"S-Snowdrop?!" She gasped.

Her sister came crashing towards them, skidding to a halt. She sighed in relief and smiled. "I'm so glad it really is you."

Twigpaw was in shock, but she needed answers. "How did you find us? How did you survive?"

Snowdrop shook of some leaves. "I found you scent, and it led me here."

"What about, y'know ... the whole sea monster thing," Rainpaw asked, finding his voice.

"Well, I was in camp at the time, watching it come, it was really cool, at first," Snowdrop said, sad laughter in her tone. "Then Nightpaw came to camp and told everyone to leave and stuff, some were skeptical, wondering if they should trust an apprentice, but I knew she was telling the truth because she's my sister! She wouldn't lie."

"I tried to get others out but mother told me to leave, that she would take care of it."

"I wasn't sure if I should leave but the thing was so close and I guess my survival instincts just kicked in and I ran for it, ended up surviving, so that's great," Snowdrop said with a sigh. "Although I left behind others... I let them down."

Twigpaw opened her mouth but Rainpaw barged in front of her. "Where did Nightpaw go? Do you know?"

Twigpaw glared at him but Rainpaw didn't notice.

Snowdrop tapped her tail, thinking hard. "Oh yes! She was in front of me I think... I don't know... it was all chaos... she was carrying a kit though, probably saved it's life, I don't know about the others though... poor kits, they were so young.."

Featherkit then entered, charging toward them. "Nope we survived! We tough Snowdrop! Really tough!" he squeaked, his paws stretched out in front of him.

Snowdrop's face lit up, Twigpaw knew how much she loved kits, but the thought of a kit's death would make any cat - anyone feel sad, whether cat or bird. 

Featherkit's siblings followed, a little slower until they realised who it was. 

"So what do you guys plan to do next?" Snowdrop asked.

"Well, Mira here is taking us to the two-leg grey place, also known as the city," Twigpaw said, flicking her tail at the kittypet crouched by the kits.

"Yeah, Nightpaw may have gone there, as well as some other survivors," Rainpaw piped up.

Would he just shut up about Nightpaw! Twigpaw's thoughts roared. She flinched, where had that come from? A feeling of dread was brewing in her stomach, and she had a feeling that jealousy and her sister were involved. 

Snowdrop noticed Rainpaw's behaviour too, but of course, her reaction was very much different to Twigpaw's. If I told her, would she understand? Would she want to help?

If I told Nightpaw, would she understand? Does she like... do her and Rainpaw share the same feeling? 

She shook her head. She couldn't imagine her first normal conversation with her sister in what felt like so long to be about another cat. Deep down, if she dived into the murky waters and swam further, she found that what she really wanted was to go too the beaches and hunt with her again. Tease her about her hunting skills and get teased back. Have races with each other and scare away the seagulls that flapped down on to the golden shores with their nosy wings and ruby red beaks. She missed Nightpaw, she missed her old home, her old days, her parents, her clan, her life. The words of the prophecy struck her. Nothing goes on forever.

Oh Redflower, if only you were to appear once again and give me another cryptic yet blatantly obvious prophecy. 

A/N: I-I typed something on the keyboard.

I DID A PART GUYS!!!!11!!!!1!!!!!!111!!!

I will really try to get this book done by March (# Marchgoals), you guys deserve it. I am so sorry for the delay, I just... school problems, life problems to be exact, and I just felt no motivation anymore to write it. Then one evening, this evening, I just though "screw it" and sat down with my headphones, LEDS, and my fav song on repeat, and just got this shit done. Guess what? 

I gained motivation.

I dunno, I know I give spoilers but... I was thinking about just doing the whole book and then just posting it all together, as a sorry for the delay. I mean, it is better cause then you guys aren't just reading like a part every five hundred months :)

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