Never Green

148 18 30

Ira furor brevis est.

Anger is a brief insanity.



64. "Hell is empty, and all the devils are here." - Shakespeare


20. You finally build enough courage to talk to that cute someone you see every day on the bus. Their face turns dark as they respond. "You shouldn't be able to see me."


This story is about sacrifice and pain that sinks so deeply into your soul that you fear you will never feel happiness again. Ever wondered why it's called "falling in love" rather than rising into it? Love is sacrifice. And if you don't have to sacrifice things for someone you love, or for the things you love, than you cannot claim to love them. 

Love is sacrifice, and even devils are willing to fall.


There are few rules in the Kingdom of Kadotaru, and punishment is not kind when any are broken. Even for the young prince who wishes he was anyone but himself. Tied to the crown, to his family, to his kingdom, there isn't much he can do without his father's watchful eyes. He wasn't even born to bear the crown, to rule over all the creatures of Kadotaru, but it still haunts him. He never though to break a rule, there was too much fear deep in his head. He never thought to break any rules, until she was able to see him.

Humans. Humans don't have true sight. They aren't seers, or creatures of Kadotaru. So why can she see him? Why does she reach out to help him? And why did he have to break Kadotaru's most sacred rule.


Thank you for stumbling across my entry for the Open Novella Contest 2023. Hope you stick around! Even if this story doesn't make it through any of the rounds, I will continue to write and work on this novella until it is complete. A lot of people don't understand the sacrifice that comes with loving something or someone. I hope to bring some light to this in some way or another. 

Also, I can't wait to read other entries! Comment below if you've entered and I'll check ya out :)


This novella will include mainly include graffic violent scenes. There will be warnings at the beginnings of the chapters that have this content. However, there might be more than mature violence included in this narrative, but it's currently undecided. There will still be a warning at the beginning of the chapters either way.

So continue, but continue with caution...

Never Green | ONC 2023Where stories live. Discover now