nine - the jewelled crossover

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Etrra, the tree and name of the capital in Kadotaru, is home to many creatures outside of the royal family

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Etrra, the tree and name of the capital in Kadotaru, is home to many creatures outside of the royal family. The guards live on the grounds, their barracks scattered throughout the levels of the palace, ready for any threat at all times. 

Hellion and Ēnsiger live in two separate places, Ēnsiger being placed closer to the ground, but Hellion closer to the stars, and to Etrra. Once Vēnātrīx caught wind of their relationship, she ordered them to move further apart, lest they get distracted from their duty to protect the King and his family. And as much as it upsets Ēnsiger, Hellion is a better fighter, which is why she's placed closer to the family.

What it means for Aramis, though, is that he has a few places he can retreat into for rest. Of course, his private quarters higher in the palace are quieter, more private. But the barracks? The barracks are full of laughter and warmth, as long as their Duahlin or imminent danger isn't threatening them.

Right now, he's making his way from his private quarters, down to the barracks where Ēnsiger should be. Hellion has another day off as well, and Aramis can only guess where she is. The Duahlin allows more misconduct to take place as long as it's not too close to the King. 

"Aramis." Speaking of.

The prince turns, finding Malefic standing in the hallway, his black feather cape cascading down the root stairs. The bedchamber and private quarters of his and her majesty are in one of the highest towers of the palace. They must descend from stairs before they come closer to anyone else. 

Guards stand on either side of the stairs, meeting Aramis's eyes in a greeting, but nothing more.

"Father," he says, inclining his head. "Forgive me, I was just heading downstairs."

"I will walk with you."

Everything inside of him went stiff as they begin walking side by side. This is the first time Aramis has spoken to Malefic since he was granted time off until his crowning of Duahlin. He hasn't seen Amate either. Both have made themselves sparse between Umanya activities. Even then, they make themselves almost invisible among the crowd.

"How are you enjoying your freedom?" he asks.

Aramis's mouth goes sour, stomach clenching. Why is he even asking? "Quite. Ēnsiger and Hellion have been keeping me company when they are allowed rest. Otherwise, I have been seeing Kadotaru anew."

Malefic says nothing as they approach another set of stairs and begin descent. 

The prince swallows the lump in his throat. "Is there something wrong, Father?"

"I believe in a young mans' need for no restraints, up to a certain age. But I fear it is causing you and Vaxalan to stray. You must protect him from himself, Aramis." Malefic's tone cuts through his skin, and their eyes meet as they pause on the landing. 

His heart thunders in his ears. Malefic has never consulted in him before. What is this?

"Our family has ruled Kadotaru before the dawn of time, my son. I do not wish for Vaxalan to be our undoing."

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