eleven - mayr de morr

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He's running late

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He's running late. Rinley's going to kill him. Yet he can't leave, can't escape. As Malefic requested, he is attending an Umanya event, dressed tightly in a white guard uniform with silver embellishments, the same as Vēnātrīx's. Today, he was making a statement. Or at least being forced to make a statement.

But today, like most days, is about Vaxalan. In the gardens outside Etrra, in the darkness of the canopy above, many women mingle. The crown prince ruled out any male competitors after the last event, sending home a lot of disappointed faces. 

Soeur is an Umanya event meant for the members of the royal family, and the royal court, to interact with their future queen. While, at the end of the day, it is Vaxalan's decision that takes finality, this when Malefic and Amate have the pleasure of weeding out the weak ones. The heir isn't required to be here for the whole time. Every so often, he steals a lady from the garden and returns a time later, either sending them home or back into the fray. 

"This is just sad," Hellion sighs, standing next to him. Her uniform is mostly black, with a few silver embellishments. It signals her position as part of the personal guard to his Majesty. 

Aramis follows her line of sight to the gate leading back to the Caldrea, the High City, which will branch off to the other districts. Already, ladies are taking the walk of shame home.

"I heard someone was asked to leave because they wished to only have one child with Vaxalan, instead of a hoard of ungrateful runts."

He turns to her, raising a brow.

"Not that you are ungrateful, I just—"

"Relax, Hellion," he chuckles, turning his gaze back over the garden. 

A whistle floats above the crowd, from one side of the garden to the other. Aramis catches the tune, finding Vēnātrīx signaling him. Head count

"Start counting the ladies," Aramis says, "Vēnātrīx wants an approximate number."

Hellion nods and falls completely silent. Aramis, on the other hand, starts to find his family among the crowd. Malefic and Amate are easy to locate. The king radiates darkness with his cloak, and Amate stands right by his side. Her dress is of a deep silver, the blood of her people.

Next, he finds Krayr standing near the largest fountain in the garden, with Kradse by her side. She's hand in her with their younger brother, teaching him some sort of messy dance. It makes Aramis cringe and smile. Sévir is closer to the gates, talking to one of the guards. And little Helcia, she's by the tables, grabbing as much food as she can in one go. 

Then, at last, he finds Vaxalan. He's standing with his closest friends, Knell and Haemal. All three of them exude distaste and boredom. They're standing closest to the palace, as if ready to make an exit at any moment. 

A sour feeling spreads in his stomach. 

Ladies continue to approach the prince, and as he takes one hand, Knell and Haemal don't follow as he disappears from view. The sourness disappears. At least Vaxalan is just being Vaxalan. 

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