five - threats of umanya

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In Kadotaru, there are many traditions that excited the creatures to the point of sickness

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In Kadotaru, there are many traditions that excited the creatures to the point of sickness. The nerves that reach up to their throats, and tickle their mouths until they bend over, claiming illness. 

Aramis feels this now, except it's not because of excitement. 

He waits in the hallway, his Dualhin uniform of black, silver and green. The collar shrinks around his throat, and his breathes are harder to take. The roots of the palace shift and move around him too, the few silver gems glinting with the movement. Today is the start of Umanya, where Vaxalan begins his journey of finding a mate, a queen to have at his side when he is crowned king. A second voice of power on the throne.

The beginning of Umanya is also one of the highest times for assassination attempts against the crowned royal child. Aramis has one job today, and one job only. Keep Vaxalan safe. Though, honestly, it's more Vēnātrīx's job than his. But if he screws up, it will be he who suffers, not his commander.

Despite Malefic and Amate clearly giving the task to Vēnātrīx, they all know it is Aramis who will carry out this task. Alas, Vaxalan isn't the only royal child in need of protecting.

"Aramis!" a cry comes, the roots in front of him slinking away with astonishing speed, a distressed face appearing in front of him. "Please tell me this colour compliments my skin," his sister cries. "Krayr says I look like a bloated polly flower."

The prince almost stumbles, blinking for a moment before taking in the princess before him. She shares the same purple tones of the polly flower, but her dress is sleek, not bloated. "Sévir—"

"Sévir, I only tease!" Krayr calls, appearing in the doorway, wearing a white dress that resembles the shape of a polly instead.

"Well, it is not funny," Sévir retorts, moving to stand beside Aramis. 

Both girls wear their hair down over their shoulders, the ashy green blonde tone the same as his. Their skin is darker, however, the green deep and rich, like grass basking in shade. Sévir is slightly shorter than Krayr, but neither reaches his height. Their features are sharp like Amate's, but their eyes are full of less hatred and desire for violence. 

"Where is Helcia?" Aramis prompts, trying to stop their bickering that has erupted during his observations. 

"Oh." Sévir holds a hand to her mouth.

Krayr's eyes widen, and she suddenly disappears into the room again. Aramis frowns as their youngest sister's name is called. 

"Did something happen?" he asks, looking down at Sévir.

She doesn't meet his eyes, her cheeks flushing. "We may have teased her about the dress Mother asked her to wear."

His frown deepens. "Were you not just upset at how Krayr was treating you?"

Sévir raises her eyes, a flash of defiance. "Brother, I do not need a lecture. Helcia will be fine. She will learn what it means to be a princess of Kadotaru. Krayr and I will not be the only ones who pick her apart."

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