fourteen - illusions versus reality

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Rinley broke her promise

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Rinley broke her promise. Her curiosity got the better of her. Every time she calls to the gems, asking them to sing, guilt piles up in her gut. But... it's so beautiful. And there are so many things she can do now. Surely Aramis can understand once he sees what she has learnt. Right?

Every night, he comes. And every night, she hides her findings. The necklace stays around her neck, but her endless scrawl of notes gets shut and hidden among the mass of books on her desk. She spends less time asking about Kadotaru now, and more time just in his presence. 

The other night, maybe two days ago now, he confessed more secrets he'd been hiding. Prince Aramis is the future Duahlin; he is to become to head of the royal guard. He will take this mantle once Vaxalan is crowned king. That day is coming up fast. And then... then he won't be able to visit her anymore. 

Their time is limited. Yet time can't move any slower. 

"I will never forget you," he says, brushing hand past her shoulder, pulling the blanket tighter.

They sit side by side outside, near the bakery. Winter winds rush past them, but they share a blanket, draped over their shoulders. He presses his forehead to hers, closing his eyes. Her heart flutters in her chest, and she resists the urge to grab him.

"You are a stain in my memories, Rinley. You cannot be forgotten," he whispers.

He hasn't told her when the day will come. Says it will make their time together feel restrained even further. Yet she can sense the impending doom. He becomes more and more resigned and desperate every night. 

But maybe, just maybe, if she can prove to be like the creatures of his kingdom, she doesn't have to lose him. 

"Alucentio," she whispers, and the gems around her neck begin to glow. Their song brings her to her feet, towards her window. 

The sun shines brightly, but doesn't bite the winter chill. It'll be hours before Aramis will arrive again. And tonight, she will prove to him that she can stay with him, even if they are worlds apart. He can't say no, not if she can fend for herself. Maybe... maybe she can visit Kadotaru, if he can't come here.

She presses hands to her temples. Don't get your hopes up.

Sighing, she relaxes her shoulders, holding her chin high. Picking up her notebook and hooking it under her arm, she moves to leave her room. A thick coat of green is draped over her shoulders, hair tucked in for warmth. Her boots clack against the wooden flooring, and she makes her way outside. 

Immediately, the smell of freshly baked biscuits hit her, and her stomach grumbles. The line outside the bakery is long, though, but that doesn't stop her from entering through the side door. Her fingers curl around three, maybe four, biscuits, warm to the touch.

"Rin?" Cyra suddenly appears, Lela peering over her shoulder. "Where do you think you're going?"

Her older sister stares her down, and she breaks into a sheepish smile. "I just want to collect some flowers from the forest. I won't be long, promise."

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