fifteen - human in kadotaru

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Groans fall out between her lips as she feels the ground beneath her

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Groans fall out between her lips as she feels the ground beneath her. Opening her eyes slowly, the first thing she recognises are branches, or maybe roots? They cover the ground, making the flooring. She pushes herself up, holding a hand to her head. Everything hurts anew.

Blinking rapidly, she takes in the room. All she can see are Harmaa's gems, glistening with song. Turning around, she sees the portal. She's in Kadotaru.

Rinley scrambles to her feet, feeling for her necklace. The gems are asleep around her neck. She lets herself breathe, before taking in the room a second time.

There's a table set up against a wall. There's nothing on it. And there's no exit, no way out. Panic starts to play with her lungs again. 

"I will set up a contact system." Aramis's words filter through her mind, and her eyes try harder to pry information from the room. "Do not leave the room." Hide. She keeps scanning the room, searching for literally anything that might help her contact Aramis. 

She ducks, looking under the table. Crawling on her hands and knees, she presses against the wall there, but nothing is askew. Turning her head, she looks at the underneath of the table. And it's there he's hidden something. She brings herself completely under the table, leaning over so she doesn't hit her head. Reaching up, she pulls on the parchment stuck above. The sentence makes no sense, just like the texts, but she calls on her knowledge to crack it.

Time ticks by before she finally understands there's a lever she needs to pull. Feeling around the foundations of the table, her fingers brush against something metal among wood. Smiling, she grasps it and yanks on it with all her strength. Something clicks and dings against the wood, then everything falls silent. Rinley waits a few moments before dropping her hand. 

Now she waits. 

Gingerly, she lies down on the floor, bringing her knees to her chest. The table is the only cover she can find, unless she summons the strength of odenatis. From her shallow breaths, she knows that's not an option. 

Her memories catch up to her. 

Percy proposed. Or at least tried to. That's Lela must have been smiling about in the bakery. And Cyra must've wanted her to stay close by so Percy wouldn't have to go searching for her. A tear rolls onto the floor. They all would've been in on it. They all want them betrothed, married. 

Life isn't meant to be spent alone, chasing faerytales.

They aren't faerytales. They're real. They're not called faeries, though. They're Jix, and Natura, and Anaceri. Creatures of Kadotaru. 

We can use your curiosity and creativity to change the world.

She squeezes her eyes shut. How had none of her family thought to ask if she wanted that? The realisation is standard. Of course, they knew she would've said no; better to put pressure on her and force her to make a decision that could either destroy or praise Percy Durbridge's manhood.

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