nineteen - movement in magoa

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Magoa, the Jix District, is just as enchanting as Caldrea

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Magoa, the Jix District, is just as enchanting as Caldrea. While there aren't as many types of Creatures mingling about, they certainly make up for it with the performers on the streets, and animals milling around. 

Afternoon is falling as Aramis and Rinley walk side by side with Hellion and Ēnsiger. She continues to explore her surroundings, more confident than yesterday in asking questions and allowing herself to follow her curious nose. 

Aramis watches with a light heart. Hellion and Ēnsiger indulge her queries as he stands to the side. Part of him wishes he could tell them the truth about Rinley. But they'd never understand. Rules are rules, and the rule he broke was the worst one of them all. Not to mention he's actually fallen in love with a human. Rinley really did turn his life upside down. 

But they can make a life here, together. He knows it. Nothing can stop him. He has found his partner, and no one will take her away from him. He... he just needs to confess his feelings.

"Do you hear that?" Ēnsiger asks, suddenly appearing right beside him.


"The music."

Aramis tears his eyes away from Rinley, listening hard to try to find the music. It's such an odd experience, to forget to listen for the one thing that used to bring him peace. But he hears it. It's a calling to a dance which all Jix know. 

His heart tugs towards it. Both Hellion and Ēnsiger will be able to dance it, but not Rinley. Even though he did attempt to teach her.

"We must answer it," Ēnsiger says. He calls to girls, beckoning them over. 

"We must go dance," Hellion says, half out of breath, but smiling.

Rinley frowns. "Dancing?"

"Oh, right," Hellion starts. "That music you can hear, it is calling us to dance the Sphallola. But you do not know any dances, do you?"

Rinley looks down at her feet. "I have only read about them."

The three Jix exchange looks.

"I can watch," Rinley says suddenly, forcing energy and excitement into her voice. "I have to learn, eventually. This can be the start of it." Her eyes flicker to Aramis. 

Hellion smiles. "I like that idea. Come, let us dance!"

Aramis takes Rinley's hand before following Hellion and Ēnsiger at a quick pace. A crowd swallows them, Jix of all colours rushing to the same place. Once Rinley spots it, she almost stumbles. 

High up, there is a platform with musicians just out of reach. On the steps that reach up to the top, there is a dancer in clothes of wonder on each one. Everyone else flocks around beneath them. Aramis tries to stay towards the edge of the crowd to be close to Rinley, but they fall apart. She stands beside an elderly Jix, watching with a keen eye as the dance finally starts.

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