one - connection of souls

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Hell is not real, not to the creatures of Kadotaru. There is no place you go to burn for eternity, no place where demons devour your very being. There is no heaven either, nor gods. What is the point of believing meaningless things when you are the most powerful of them all? From Jix, to Natura, to Anaceri, there is no need to believe in a higher power that can tear them down.

But Aramis knows better. Hell is real, but all the demons are here. 

Kadotaru is home to many creatures, beings that all can do extraordinary things, and live extraordinary lives. A perfect recipe for fear and terror. And what better than to bring those things into the human realm? Puny, naïve creatures that are easily tricked, they stood no chance. Luckily, for the humans, their demons were chased back to hell over a thousand moons ago. It is the King's responsibility to make sure his subjects don't cross that border anymore, and what better way to implement the rule with violence?

Still, boredom intoxicates them. Now they have to find different entertainments, like drowning themselves in the most expensive moar wine or jix liquor, like most do. But others? Dancing.

Smiling in the cool light of the moon that sits perfectly in the opening of the root covered roof, Aramis claps his hands to the rhythm of the music. It's lively and loud, even at this late hour of the night. At least, that's what Queen Amate said as she ushered the young Prince Kradse and Princess Helcia into their rooms. 

"One day," Aramis had promised them when he escorted them back up the steps of the palace. 

Oh, you thought Queen Amate would have done so? No, you fool. She is well above those tasks.

Now he enjoys the celebrations himself, smiling as he watches his other sisters take to the floor with partners he knows he'll hear about later. It is the Festival of Autis, when the season changes and prepares itself for the ice that will come. 

Tonight, he is not on duty. He is granted to join in the fray, as his body begs him. The music thrums in his veins, and he can't help but tap his hand on his leg. That doesn't change the fact that he keeps himself alert, eyes flittering between each family member every few minutes. 

"My Prince."

He wretches his eyes away from his sister, who dances a few feet away from the ceiling tall windows. A Naturian stands in front of him, ears of a sheep decorated with flowers on the top of her curly black hair. Her dress is blue, complimenting the dark of her skin.

"Lady Feath," he says with a smile, bowing to her.

"I-I was wondering if you'd like to dance?" she asks, keeping her eyes low, cheeks flushing.

His shoulders relax, now drawn away from his anxieties. "I would be delighted."

Aramis takes her hand, and she places the other one on his shoulder, both now following the steps of the music that now plays. Everyone around them follows in suit, taking their partners and following the steps blindly. Dancing is a sacred art in Kadotaru. The first thing everyone must learn are the ceremonial dances. Few continue pursing the art, becoming accomplished in almost every dance known in Kadotaru.

Queen Amate and King Malefic now take to the floor, their honoured guests parting on the beautiful white stoned floor. The music changes to a slower rhythm, allowing other creatures of Kadotaru to join in the Waltz of Autis, a connection of souls. Like he must, Aramis knows all the steps, blessed with the chance to dance it. From where he spins Feath, he watches the King and his Queen flawlessly go through all the steps. His sisters, on the other hand, aren't as successful. Part of him wishes to blame it on their partner, but that would be entirely unfair. 

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