four - merchants at saffettey

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The promise of rain never stops the merchants from visiting Saffettey. Even as the clouds overhead flood the sunny sky, they still pull into the same spot they always do. And Rinley runs to them like she always does.

"I'll be home in time to pull the sweets out," she calls as she hangs up her apron and grabs her basket before barreling out the door. She doesn't even bother with her sun hat at this point, jogging down the street to reach the centre of the village.

Merchant day was the best day of the month, hands down. They only came once every full moon, specifically on the waning gibbous, or at least that's what the books called it. The research notebooks sold to merchants and bought by Rinley, or Percival, who is already waiting patiently for the merchants to set up their stalls. 

The merchants stay for three days, but the first day is the most important. It's a ritual that Rinley adopted alongside Percival, to scour the merchants for their treasures. This time round, Rinley smiles because she remembered to bring her basket, and won't have to make a fool of herself like last time, where she dropped everything before she could even take two steps home.

"Rin!" Percival meets her with a smile. His black hair flows in the slight wind, but it doesn't hide the blue of his eyes, or the weird bright white of his teeth. 

"Good morning, Percy." She returns the smile. "Do you think books on tales of majiiki have made it to us?"

"Always with the majiiki," he tuts, but the smile is still on his face. "I'm hoping for some more practical things."

"Yeah? Like what?" She crosses her arms over her chest. Like everyone else, Percy doesn't believe in majiiki. They're old tales to scare children, that or you're insane and need help if you believe it. Take a guess at what they believe Rinley is.

"From the books I purchased last time, there was some real talk about the next theoretical sciences, and the physics too..."

Even though she nods and smiles, none of what Percy says actually reaches her. Her mind wonders to the very proof that majiiki does exist; Aramis. 

It's been three days since he crashed into her life, leaving a bloody trail that only she could see. But there was more that he had left behind than the silver stains on her skirt. The sorrow in his heart, the loneliness in his soul... she could still feel it. And at this point, she's tempted to try to follow that trail to him instead.

"That's what I hope to find. Starting to put those theories to test might help my father's business a bit more." Percy's voice waves back into her head.

She blinks for a moment, waiting for Percy's face to reappear and Aramis's to disappear. "You really think the village will appreciate such inventions that are farfetched?" she asks. And she knows she asked a decent question by Percy's frown.

"I'm sure they'll come around," he says.

"Sure..." she says, but grins, making him roll his eyes. 

"Ah... it's you too again."

Both Rinley and Percy spin to meet Wilmot, his beard infinitely longer than last month, but the lines on his face the same. His tribal tattoos are still prominent on his face, but the beard seems to have the ones on his cheeks now. 

"Your gonna leave my shop bone dry again, ain't you?" He glares at them, his voice rough.

"You shouldn't visit Saffettey if you want your stock to stay full," Percy returns, only to receive a grunt.

"And we always pay for it, Wilmot. You know that," Rinley adds sweetly.

Again, Wilmot only grunts before gesturing to his stall set up behind him. The two of them grin before going around him to start their hunt. Wilmot's set up is sporadic, but that makes it all the more inviting. Aside from Wilmot, there's three other merchants who travel with him, along with their families. They're already walking away to stretch their legs and wipe down their horses, and enjoy Saffettey's small but peaceful wonders.

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