eighteen - the first dance

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Night had fallen by the time they all returned back to the palace

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Night had fallen by the time they all returned back to the palace. They'd eaten supper out in Caldrea, drunk on the energy of the night, and maybe a little bit of a spiced drink. Rinley relies on the steadiness of Aramis to walk through the palace halls, while the rest of them seem to walk fine. 

"Will you be okay, Lycoria?" Hellion teases, smiling as she lightly taps her shoulder.

Rinley sways a little. "Of course!" she says a little too loudly.

They all laugh and attempt to hush her. 

"I really should get her to bed," Aramis says, grabbing her shoulders to help her stop swaying. 

"I'm fine," she slurs, grinning lazily. "We could go back to Caldrea, promise!"

Hellion and Ēnsiger smile, looking at each other. "We will definitely do this again today," she says, grabbing Ēnsiger by the arm.

"We have duty in the morning, but tomorrow evening, mark my words, we shall dance!" Ēnsiger hoots, throwing a hand in the air.

"For now, we bid you goodnight." Hellion and Ēnsiger walk off down the hall, and Rinley waves after them. She giggles to herself and sways dangerously again.

Aramis catches her. "Must I carry you?" he asks, raising a brow.

She looks up at him with a smile. "You're too kind!" And then slumps forward.

The prince sighs, though he can't hide his smile. He hooks an arm under her legs and around her shoulders, bringing her to his chest. When he starts walking, Rinley rests her head against him, closing her eyes. 

"I am guessing you drank little before now?" he asks, keeping his tone quiet.

"Never, ever," she says.

He shakes his head. "Ah. It would have been wise if I asked this earlier, hmm?"


Aramis looks down at her. She looks so carefree now, like there is no sorrow in her heart. Maybe it was wrong of him to distract her with pretty colours and strong drinks, but he can't stand seeing her look broken. At least now... she looks like she's home.

He blinks harshly, shaking his head. Huh? What did he just think? Did—


He halts, jerking a little. Rinley bumps her head and opens her eyes. Her purple skin has started fading.

"Quick, refresh your enchantment," he whispers. "Uquala." He doesn't wait for her to do it before turning around. 

"I just wanted to..." Vaxalan stands only a few steps away. He frowns at Rinley, then at Aramis. "Apologies. Am I interrupting something?"

Aramis feels his cheeks burn. "I was just helping Lady Lycoria get back to her quarters safely."

"Lady Lycoria? Quarters?"

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