thirteen - prince of doubt

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Despite the moon just leaving the sky, Kadotaru is beaming with activity

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Despite the moon just leaving the sky, Kadotaru is beaming with activity. Even in the palace. Not even the little ones are asleep.

It's the time of the year where most stay up during the night, maybe sleep a few hours, before going about their days anew. Everyone is awake before the sun. And right now, all of that works in Aramis's favour.

"Have you ever heard of a Natura named Kaloka?" he asks Tula, the Naturian figurehead that lives in the palace.

She shakes her head. "I have not. Could you give a description of them?"

"Brown skin, graying hair, ears and body of a bear, but an upper half body much like your own."

Tula considers this for a moment, frowning a little. "It is rare these days for Naturians to reach their form in Kadotaru. The only way we can evolve is in our Mother Land, which is across many seas. No Naturians in this kingdom are in their final form. Maybe she came to you in a dream?"

He nods politely. "Thank you for your time, Tula," he says, making his exit.

The prince isn't having much luck. Out of everyone he's asked, the guards stationed on that floor of the palace, Tula, and the guards responsible for checking anyone who enters the palace, no one knew who he was talking about. Kaloka doesn't exist.

He runs a hand through his hair, letting out a frustrated huff as he walks down the hall, trying to figure out the next best person to ask. He's running out of options, though. It seems as though he has created her in his mind. But that makes little sense. There's no hard evidence she ever existed, either. The gems she gave him are gone. Maybe searching for her is pointless.

Turning the corner, he almost collides head first with a servant, making them both stumble slightly, but nothing falls to the floor. He mumbles an apology and steps out of their way. Out of desperation, though, he calls after them. 

"Have you seen a Naturian bear in their final form?" he asks, feeling his hope slip through his fingers.

They pause, turning back to him. "In my dreams, my Prince," they say.

"Your dreams?"

They nod. "She calls herself Kaloka."

"Kaloka, yes. Who is she?"

"She calls on us to protect," the servant continues, eyes glassing over. 

"To protect what?"

"Children of Harmaa."

"Harmaa does not exist. An old god, Spiris, whatever, that was created to control the monarchy. You—"

"You have seen her," the servant interrupts. Aramis's jaw drops open. "So she calls on you to protect as well."

He rolls his eyes. "Kaloka is no—"

"We are lucky, Prince Aramis. She does not give this mantle to just anyone. I am meant to protect Princess Helcia. She is meant for greatness."

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