two - a mothers' mercy

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"Why did you have to go to the human realm?" 

Aramis and Vaxalan wait in their father's receiving room. It is much like the throne room, which is frequently turned into a ballroom, except it is narrower and the ceiling is lower. Pillows, lounges, carpets and blankets cover the ground, all leading to Malefic's throne of roots, moss, and leaves. It sits boldly at the end of the room, cracked stairs with flowers blooming in the soft sunlight of the next day. Behind the throne is Etrra, a tree of silver bark and soft green leaves that twist up and up, the top of Etrra not visible to the eye.

"Must you really ask?" Vaxalan groans. "You used to sneak off to Saffettey more than I."

"Not for the same reason as you," he snaps.

He rolls his eyes, moving to lay himself across one of the lounges

"Vaxalan," he hisses. "You know Father will punish you. Do you wish to make it worse?"

The heir doesn't respond, bringing his fingers close to his face, inspecting them. His green skin is lighter than Malefic's, a true sign he has been near humans. Though he doesn't seem to care. Like the rest of his siblings, Vaxalan has greyish hair, leaning towards the darker side. Aramis, and one of his younger sisters, have more of a green tint in their hair, taking after their mother. 

"I am his heir," the prince finally responds. "He wants me on the throne. If anything, he will demand I stay within the castle grounds, lest my entertainers be banished from the kingdom."

Aramis cringes at entertainers. That's one word for them. "And what about the rest of us? What of Krayr, Sévir, Kradse, Helcia? What of me? We are the ones he will take his anger out on."

He doesn't respond, now playing with the tips of his curved ears. The second son sighs, dropping his head forward. He doesn't dare sit down. Malefic will use it as something else to punish him over. All that matters is that the younger ones don't receive the brunt of his violence. 

"My sons." The Queen's voice snakes into the room, and they both turn to find her. "You have angered your father."

"Mother." Aramis bows. "I apologi—"

He is on the ground before he can process the pain erupting from the side of his face. The shock hits him before the pain. 

"And you have angered me."

Queen Amate is only queen because Malefic loved the violence she was unafraid to let loose. That is the reason they truly love each other. And it is the reason neither of them have entertainers. They are satisfied with each other. 

Aramis stays on the ground, sitting on his knees, knowing better than to rise his eyes. But he watches Amate approach Vaxalan through the shadows. And he continues to watch as she drags him off the couch and onto the ground, his body cracking against the stone floor. Vaxalan lets out a cry of pain.

"You should be grateful Malefic is too enraged to be in the same room as you disgraceful maggots," she spits, bringing the heel of her shoe down on Aramis' hand. Normally, that would be only slightly painful. But her heel is a blade, and it slices through his skin. 


Vaxalan falls to the floor again, Amate having slapped him too as he tried to rise. Aramis' eyes brim with tears, watching his silver blood leak out, pooling on the floor. His brother also bleeds, a cut across his face, catching his eye. 

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