seven - loneliness knows all

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The dough breaks under Rinley's hands as she punches the soft squishy texture that will turn into a fresh batch of cookies in an hour or so

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The dough breaks under Rinley's hands as she punches the soft squishy texture that will turn into a fresh batch of cookies in an hour or so. She tied her hair back against the base of her neck, cascading down her back, but small strands fall forward, annoying her eyes, tickling her skin. She does her best to ignore it, doing everything she can to focus on her work. But—

"Rin, the dough doesn't deserve to be beaten black and blue."

She looks up to see her younger sister, Lela. She stands in the kitchen's doorway. Her hair is also tied back, circled into a bun at the base of her neck instead. Lela holds a basket of flowers, picked from the beds right outside their home. 

"S-Sorry," Rinley mumbles, hands now frozen, hovering above the dough.

Aramis disappeared some point last night. Not that he needs to say goodbye, or stay, but the way he left has caused some unknown rift in her chest to take control of her actions. Rinley closes her eyes for just a moment, and his face flashes to the front of her mind. The way he looked at her, talked to her, indulged in her questions. 

At that moment, she wasn't the village crazy lady. The girl who believed in silly things like majiiki and beings with green skin. She wasn't alone anymore.

"Bentley said you were in a funk this morning, but I didn't believe him," Lela says, walking towards her. "Now, I see he's correct."

She opens her eyes again and takes a deep breath. "Our brother shouldn't be worrying himself. I'm fine."

"I mean, you're clearly not," Lela responds, raising a brow as she places the basket of flowers down on a different bench. "What's wrong?"

Rinley steps away from the dough, wiping her hands on the apron. 

"Is it Percy Durbridge?"

A frown digs into her brow. "Why would it be about Percy?"

Lela shrugs. "He's the only one you talk to outside of this household, and the merchants, who are almost never here. Nothing really... happens in your life."

"I see." Rinley's gaze drops to the floor. "No, it's not about Percy. He still believes I shouldn't search for answers to the questions I ponder. But everyone thinks that."

"Maybe... maybe you should do something with your life," Lela says carefully. "Think about it," she continues when Rinley shoots her a sharp look. "Bentley is betrothed now, to be married next Spring. He will take over the bakery with his future wife once Ma and Pa are too old. Cyra is going through her rounds of courting as she does her studies in herbology to bring in a new avenue of business for Saffettey."

Rinley finds herself losing focus, eyes drifting to the flowers that Lela now sorts through. 

"I intend to follow Cyra, but specialise in flowers. And maybe... maybe I'll move out of Saffettey and find love somewhere else on the Soliva Road. And Cygnus? Well, we both know he's on his own path with the horses and Harrin girls' he's trying to woo, though he's barely sixteen."

She meets Lela's eyes. "You're thinking of leaving Saffettey?"

"My point is, dear Rin, we all know where we're going, and who we're going with," Lela sighs, putting down her work. "Where are you going, Rin? And who are you taking to join you?"


The High City is a place where all Creatures can come together in Kadotaru without any restrictions created by district leaders. Even rivers and ponds were carved to the centre for the Anaceri to swim and greet the rest of the city dwellers. 

Unlike the three main districts, the High City breaks the canopy, buildings towering up towards the sky. In particular buildings, one might see Etrra, which is the true name of the castle, named after the tree Etrra that it guards. Those who live in the highest buildings are mostly nobles, highly regarded by King Malefic and Queen Amate. That is why only a few have the privilege of seeing out over the treetops. 

Aramis usually gets his drink in Magoa, his district, but today he has followed Hellion and Ēnsiger to the High City, eager to forget the night he spent with Rinley. Though, what exactly he's running from, it's hard to say. Nothing happened. Nothing that either of his friends would ever gush over, even if Rinley was a creature, not a human. Still, something about it haunts him. 

"Are you even listening to me?" A hand waves in front of his face. Hellion swims back into focus.

"Apologies," he mutters, rubbing his temples. "I think the drink has gone to my head way faster than expected."

"Really?" Ēnsiger jests. "I would never have guessed."

"What has gotten into you? You finally have freedom, yet you're acting like a wet pair of trousers. And it has only been a day!" Hellion shakes her head. 

The prince shrugs. "Spending my freedom drinking myself senseless is turning out to be quite disappointing in the grand scheme of things."

"He is lonely," Hellion says to Ēnsiger softly, but loud enough for Aramis to hear it.

"Thanks for summing that up." The prince glares at her.

She shrugs. "You need a companion."

"I am the future Duahlin. A partner is something that is not permitted for me. Plus, it is just the beginning of Umanya. Every eligible Creature will be going after Vaxalan. Not his younger brother."

"Now, that definitely is not true. Lady Feath is definitely interested in you. And anyone who thinks otherwise, is a fool," Ēnsiger says. "I saw the way she looked at you as you danced at Autis."

Hellion whacks Ēnsiger on the shoulder. "Are you calling me a fool?"

"For falling for this oaf?" Aramis raises a brow. "Definitely."

Ēnsiger scoffs, covering his laughter. "All I am saying is Feath was delighted to dance with you."

"Just as she is delighted to be among my brother's pickings as a lady from an Upper House," Aramis rebukes. "I am not the heir to the crown, to the throne, to this kingdom. But my duty is just as important, as the future Duahlin. My duty cannot be tainted by having a partner. I understand that, and I accept it."

Hellion and Ēnsiger share a look before rising from their seats, half full cups left behind them. They say nothing as they take one arm each of Aramis, and pull him out of the tavern. He does little to protest as they drag him to the City centre, where musicians band together, the swell of music reaching out with arms like a tender lover. 

The prince lets himself be taken by the melodies, as does Hellion and Ēnsiger. They choose each other as partners, disappearing into the crowd that takes them into the centre of the dance. Aramis dances alone, his citizens stepping away to leave room for his Royal Majesty. Again, his standing divides him. 

If only he weren't a prince. 

If only Rinley were here. She would dance with him.

He lets the music take him.

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