Chapter 6

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(Avantika is Dhruv's sister and Anvi is her personal maid)

Anvi- Wow seeing you this happy is making me happy rajakumari.

Me- Of course it should that Ambika is finely getting a taste of her own medicine.

Anvi- Are you this happy because maharaj married another woman.

Me- Yes remember the medicine, we have been giving maharani in her food ever day, so she doesn't get pregnant.

Anvi- Yes rajakumaree.

????- WHAT.

I heard a voice and turned around. It was Tara. Oh no did she hear everything will she tell Maharaj.

Me- Anvi leave.

After she left. I got up and walked to Tara.

Me- Choti rani what are you doing here.

Tara- Well I can to meet you and surprised you. I mean you were really nice to me so I thought I would give you a gift. But I myself got surprised.

Me- So you heard.

Tara- Yes. Why did you give maharani that medicine.

Me- "When i was 6 she came here with her dad. He and my dad Maan Thakur. Were great friends. When she was 9 her father died. And then all my dad's and mom's love was for Ambika. They didn't care for me just Ambika and Dhruv. I understand why him I mean he was the king but why did they forgot me.

See I'm 24 years old all my friends are married but my mom doesn't even think about my marriage.

Listen Choti bhabhi please don't tell Maharaj about this I promise I will stop giving her the medicine."

Then Tara cleans my tears. And makes me sit on the bed gives me water to drink. And sits besides me.

Tara- "You told me your secret so I will tell you mine. I also don't like Ambika maharani. And I want to be the only maharani not the choti rani.

The queen of Satavahana saamraajy. And for that Ambika has to leave. So don't stop giving her the medicine ok.

And don't worry I will talk to Dhruv for your wedding and you should getting married to the king of the biggest kingdom in India.

Vijayanagara saamraajy's king Is India's riches and the most powerful King. His name is Abhimanyu Singh Rathore.

From what I heard he is Soo handsome."

Wow she also doesn't like Ambika may we can work together but. Vijayanagara saamraajy no never I will not marry him.

Me- "I think you don't know Abhimanyu Singh Rathore. My father killed his father, the he killed my father as revenge. We have been on war for Soo long."

Tara- Ok I will talk to some other big and powerful king's. So till then do as I say ok, and keep giving her the medicine.

Me- Ok bhabhi.

Then we huged and talked thinking of plains to ruin Ambika. As the biggest problem we have is Dhruv.


Hey guys I did get the respond I wanted for the story sadly. But I will still post please vote and comment.


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