Chapter 41

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I was trying to make him believe me when nowhere felt his lips on mine. His eyes were close and my were wild open. He is kissing me I was shocked I didn't move.

Not even a inch. But soon I don't know what came in me. I closed my eyes and kiss him back. My hands in his hair. As I loss myself in the kiss.

Soon I feel suffocated. So I pulled away. Now my hands were in his hair and his were around my waist. We were looking into each other's eyes when he just left.

But before walking out of the door he stopped again turned around and said.

Him- I trust you.

Is that why he kissed me to know if I'm trying the truth or not. Before I come call him he left the room. And I sat on the ground by the window.

Omg he kissed me and that too to know if I'm saying the truth or not. I thought to change before he comes back because I have questions.

Then I changed and stood by the window. Waiting for him to come.

The door opened he looked at me

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The door opened he looked at me. And went into the bathroom without even saying anything.

I waited out the bathroom for him to come. A few minutes late the door opened.

Looks like he took a shower water was still dripping from his hair

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Looks like he took a shower water was still dripping from his hair. He just looked at me and before I can say anything he went to bed.

Me- Stop ignoring me. Tell me why did you kiss me.

He didn't say anything so I walked to my side of the bed sitting on it. I punched his stomach. He holds where I punched and said a little ouch.

Him- Ouch that hurted. Now why would you hurt your husband. Tsk tsk tsk tsk. Very bad.

Me- I'm bad your the one that first said that I lied then kissed and then left and now your acting as if nothing happened why why did you kiss me did you kiss me know to see if I was liyng or not. Why Why Why Why tell meeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

I was mad and still screaming meeeeee when he holds the back of my neck and pulled me on top of him kissing me.

A few seconds he let's go. I sit back and put a hand on my lip. Ohh he did it again. Aahhhhhhhh I going to kill him.

Then I got on top of him and started hitting him. I was punching his chest. While ask why did you kiss me.

He holds my hand and sits up. Now I was in his laps while he was holding my hands behind me.

Him- Because I feel something for you.


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