Chapter 15

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I was at the party with Dhruv. I was sitting on his left hand side. And the right one was for Ambika. Who is god knows where.

Ava- Choti rani I think something happened between Maharaj and Mahira. When I went to her room she was on the floor crying.

Me- Good that's good.

Then the doors opened and walked in Ambika. She didn't look like she cried. But she sure as hell look like she was mad.


As soon as I walked in everyone stopped talking and looked at me. I know what they're talking about. How my husband is married again.

Then I walked and sat beside Dhruv. As I'm the maharani it is my right to be at the right side.

I sat and looked at him. He looked back and smiled as if nothing happened. As if he didn't just screamed at me and slapped me.

Soon the party started. And Dhruv when to introduce his new wife to other kings. And I went over talking to other queens.

Q1 (Queen 1)- Namaste Maharani. How are you. We heard how Maharaj got married again you mean be heartbroken.

Q2- Yes it was really bad to hear but it kinda makes sense.

Me- Excuse me.

Q3- She means that we all have heard that the Kakatiya saamraajy. Princess is really pretty.

Q4- And that any men can fall for her. And look when we got the news that Maharaj was going there on war we kinda saw it coming.

Q3- Yes and anyone would want to marry. Him I mean he is the 2nd biggest king in India.

Q2- Yes that reason and to have a son. I mean you and Maharaj have been married for 8 years and yet you didn't have a kid. I think he got married again because you couldn't give him a son.


Dhr- What happened.

I turned to see everyone was looking here. And Dhruv and Tara. Were right behind me.

Q2- Nothing Maharaj. We were just talking.

Me- Don't you dare lie. How dare you say that I can't be a mother. Who do you think your god that can decide what happens in the world.

Q2- No maharani I was just saying what I thought was right.

Me- Well you though wrong didn't you. Leave now.

I said I was really mad why is everyone thinking that I can't be a mother I know I can be a mother. And they all are just making me mad.

Dhr- Come down Ambika. I am sure what ever she said she didn't mean it.

Me- Well if she didn't mean it then why did she say it. And why are you still here I thought I said leave.

Dhr- Come on. Calm down. Your overreacting.

Him saying that is not just hurtful. It also proves that he doesn't understand me or needs and pain that I am trying to simply communicate.

Here I'm all alone with on one to talk my side. So I just walked out of there. Wherever the way took me. Crying


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