Chapter 7

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After changing into my night dress. I walked out and saw that Dhruv was still here and in his night wear.

(Guys I don't know what women In the old times use to wear

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(Guys I don't know what women In the old times use to wear. Soo please work with it)

Ohh no how dare he if he is thinking to sleep here

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Ohh no how dare he if he is thinking to sleep here.

Me- What are you still doing here.

Dhr- Well getting ready to sleep.

Me- Ok then go and sleep with your wife.

Him- I am sleeping with my wife.

Then he holds my hand and pulls me to him. Putting a hand on my waist and the other on holding my wrist.

At first I was lost in his eyes. Until I realized to that the hands holding me were also holding her.

Me- Leave me.

Him- No.

I didn't look in his eyes. I was already at the edge of crying. And screaming. Then I used all my power and pushed him away.


I couldn't keep it in any longer and just screamed at him.

Him- Lower your voice I understand that your mad but don't forget that I am your king and husband.

Me- Well then please Maharaj leave.

Him- Well I'm staying here because this is my house, hell me kingdom. I can go wherever I want. Do whatever I want.

Me- Fine. Do whatever you want.

Then I went to the bed and under the covers sleeping. I did feel him on the other side before falling asleep.


It is almost midnight where is Dhruv. Is he with Ambika. No he can't.

I will not let him be with her.


Great now I have Tara in my plan everything is now soon going to be okay.

And that Ambika will be gone.


I wake up and saw Ambika's head on my chest. Sleeping so peacefully, who can say that this woman looking Soo innocent and calm, has the anger of maa Kali.

I was looking at her beauty when she woke up and got away from me. Why is she still doing this.

I know I broke a promise but it is done just work with it. Many kings have more them 2 wife's. And there is no problem then why Ambika.

She was going to leave when I hold her hand.

Me- Ambika don't please. Forgive me.

Amb- Why. You did so much and now you want me to forgive you. How can I, you broke a promise. I can never trust you again. It will take time.

Me- I know what I did is wrong but now it is done. I'm sorry.

Amb- I can't.

I knew it. The most important thing for Ambika is a promise and I broke it I should give her time.

Then I just left.

I'm sorry Ambika. I'm sorry.


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