Chapter 30

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Soon I got up and went to take a long bath today they used all the good soap and bath products.

Then I went out and it was Aditi. Stood there with alot of jewelry's. It was all Soo beautiful. I have never seen them.

Me- Wow Aditi there are Soo beautiful who's are they.

Her- They are you're rajakumari. Raja Abhimanyu gave him. He said they came from Vijayanagara saamraajy his sister in-law sends them. She wants you to get married in this and you should come to they saamraajy wearing them.

Abhimanyu has a sister-in-law I didn't know that. Then again I don't know anything about his family I will ask him about it.

Then I was about to get ready when Avantika came in. I have not talked to her in so long.

Me- Avantika how are.

Her- I'm fine rajakumari ji. At first I was mad at you for leaving my brother but now. I think I understand. So I want to give you some.

Then she gave me a big box. I opened it and it was ladoo.

Me- Wow ladoo my favorite.

I took one and was about to eat it when she stopped me.

Her- No wait. This is a special a ladoo you have to eat one every day for a year. It has 365 for ever day.

Me- Okay I will eat one every day.

Then I took one out and eat it.

Me- This one for today now I will eat one tomorrow.

Her- Yes so you remember me.

Me- Ok.

Her- Now I have to go and get ready.

Then she left and I went to start getting ready.


Then after giving the ladoo to Ambika I ran to Tara.

She was lying down on the bed. I ran to her. And lied besides her.

Me- Tara I gave the ladoo to Ambika. And like you said I gave the medicine in it. Now if she has one for each day or all of them. All together she either way can't get pregnant. For a year and then after one year I will send another box.

Then Tara turned towards me. Playing with my hair.

Her- Good job. You did good such a good girl. You deserve a gift.

Then Tara got up and walked to her jewelry box and took out the ears she had that I loved.

Tara- There you go you love them right.

Me- Yes yes I do thank you Soo much.


Soon I was ready for the wedding looking in the mirror I was shocked I never wore such kind of jewelry or did this kid of make up. But I loved how I looked.

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