Chapter 47

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*3rd person pov*

Ambika was enjoying when she feels a little thing by her leg. Looking down she saw it was a baby.

 Looking down she saw it was a baby

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The baby was soo small. Tiny and cute. Looking at the baby she didn't notice the one standing behind the small kids as she was looking down. Unaware of the guy looking at her. While she was enjoying.

Finally that guy called her forcing her to look away from the baby

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Finally that guy called her forcing her to look away from the baby. And see up it was non another......

???- Ambika.

Ambika looked up and saw him Dhruv

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Ambika looked up and saw him Dhruv. And in her heart she felt nothing. Nothing no emotions looking at him.

And Dhruv was happy looking at her he missed her but couldn't love her after she left with Abhimanyu. Where as Ambika was feeling nothing.

Then Dhruv bend down and picked the baby. It was his daughter. And that did something to Ambika but not for Dhruv but the baby.

Dhr- How are you Ambika.

Amb- I'm fine what is her name.

Dhr- Vaishavi.

Amb- She is beautiful.

Ambika was looking at the girl craving to have one of her own. But the medicine she had for 8 years has made it really different for her to get pregnant.

She wanted to hold her. And have one of her own. But she was not aware that Dhruv was looking at her.

Dhr- I didn't think you would come.

Ambika looked at Dhruv. She has two question for him just two. If she gets the answer she will be able to forget him completely. And might even forgive him.

Amb- I did as Vijayanagara Saamraajy's Maharani.

Dhr- I see.

That is it she couldn't control and asked.

Amb- I have 2 questions for you just 2. Will tell me the answer truly.

Dhr- Okay as I was answer.

Ambika too a deep breath and asked.

Amb- Did you ever loved me?

Dhr- Yes. I did I loved you. I don't think I do now after you left.

Amb- Okay why did you marry Tara?

Dhr- For Vaishavi. I wanted a child, I needed a child. I'm a men and a king I need a blood line.

Of course kids I understand that I myself alway want kids. But can't have. Ambika though.

Dhr- Ok now my turn. Do you still love me?

Amb- I use to love you. But not anymore.

Dhr- Do you love Abhimanyu?

Amb- Yes. I do I love him.

Dhr- Are you happy?

Amb- Yes I'm happy. Are you happy?

Dhr- Yes very. Maybe in another life we both can be happy together.

Amb- Maybe in another life.


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