Chapter 33

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Then I and Abhimanyu were sitting in front of each other and there was a tub of milk and rose petals in front of us.

Lax- Okay so now I will put this ring in this tub. The one that finds it the most times wins.

Then she puted the ring in the tub and mixed it around. Hen she took her hand out. And said go.

Then I put my hand in the tub looking for the ring. I was trying to find it when my hand touches Abhimanyu's hand.

An I felt like a shock. I looked in this eyes. Wait a minute does he know how to shock people also will black magic.

Then I looked in his eyes. And he rised a eyebrow. Like as if he is asking me that am I challenging him. I just smiled a little.

Then after a few seconds Abhimanyu took the ring out.

Lax- Nooo Abhimanyu. Ambika now you have to fine the next games or you will loss.

Then Laxmi bhabhi putted the right in the tub again and mixed it up Alot this time.

Then I puted my hand in it and started finding the ring. Moving my hand around and then I found it and took it out of the water.

Me- I found it I won yes.

I said clapping my hands. And bhabhi also clapped her hands with me.

Lax- Yes you won.

Abhi- No you just won this one time not the whole game. There is still one chance left. And I will win as Abhimanyu Singh Rathore never lose's.

Lax- Yes well now Ambika is also Ambika Singh Rathore. So she will also not loss.

Me- Yes I will not lose.

Then she puted the ring back in the tub. Moving it around.

I looked at Abhimanyu's eyes. He didn't look away.

Lax- Ok so in 3 2 1.

Then I and Abhimanyu puted the hands in the tub moving it around. After looking I found the ring and took it out. But Abhimanyu did at the same time.

He was holding the from the other side. We both looked at each other and the heard bhabhi laughing. While cause me to laugh as well.

After the game we just sat and talked. Until it was lunch time. Then after having lunch Abhimanyu went to do something work with Aryan. While bhabhi took me to the room.

Then we walked into the room it was decorated with roses. And was looking beautiful.


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