Chapter 11

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It was sunset. So I left all my work and ran to the hall I will not be late again. And I wasn't. I was the 2nd one there after Rajamata. Then Dhruv and Tara came laughing.

When they saw me they just stopped talking why I don't care anymore. Soon after them Avantika came with mahapujaarin.

She went up and sat on the ground. And Soo did we. Dhruv right in front of her with me on his right and Tara in his left.

Ma was behind me and Avantika behind Tara. I don't know what is going on with Avantika. It is like she is mad at me. I will talk to her about that.

Maa- You know kids mahapujaarin is really good at tell your future just by seeing your hand. When I got married she said I would have a boy, my Dhruv. And Maan's 2nd wife would have a girl, Avantika. So now it is your turn.

Mp- Sorry I couldn't came at Dhruv's and Ambika's wedding, so today I will see her hands too. But first Dhruv and Tara's.

Then she took Tara's hand.

Mp- So you will have 3 kids, and live a long and happy life but it will be with fulled problems. With maharaj who is your soulmate.

Then she took Dhruv's hand.

Mp- My king you will have 3 kids from choti rani. And live long but you might do some mistakes and you will regret it till your last breath. Which will cause you unhappiness.

Dhr- What mistake.

Mp- I can just tell the things I can see. And I did so I can't tell you anymore. But just be careful and don't do a mistake.

Then she offered her hand to me and I kept my hand on her's After looking at it for a while she looked up shocked.

Me- What happened.

Mp- Your going to get married again. With us a king who is strong and powerfull. You will And have 4 kids with him. He is your really soulmate. The one your meant to be with.

Me- 2nd marriage. Why would I be married again.

Maa- Yes why would she marry someone again. I mean she and Dhruv are already married. They are soulmates.

Mp- The God is the one that chooses soulmates and the one you should marry. But we are the ones that said Ambika should marry Dhruv. And I don't know. Maybe she will leave him because of the mistake maharaj might do or already did.

She said looking at Tara. She means that I will leave Dhruv because of Tara no I love him.

Dhr- I think the mistake I did is listening to you. You came it was great, eat, stay, and then leave.

Then he got up and walked out of the hall. I went back to my room.

2nd marriage, soulmates. What was that. I was deep in my thoughts when someone huged me from behind.



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