Chapter 23

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Me- Will you marry me.

He was shocked he didn't say anything his eyes were wide open and he didn't even blink.

Him- What What did you just say.

Me- Hear me out. See I hate Dhruv and I want him to go through what I did.

He married someone else. Broke a promise and yesterday he hit me. He is not the man I fall in love with.

Him- So for your revenge you want to ruin my life.

Me- No see you also don't like him I mean he's father killed your father so you should help me.

Him- Yes his father killed my father and I have already revenged that I killed his father. And that too in the middle of the battlefield.

Me- Yes but see marrying me will help you because why do you think he called you here. It is to kill you.

Him- I think I can save myself. And I know about all dangers that might harm me. Okay

That is when I saw something shiney under the bed. It was metal nails.

Me- Ohh I see. Then I'm sure you know and this.

Then I walked over to the bed and pulled the covers. Showing that then bed has nails underneath.

He walked over looking at the bed. He was mad I can tell. He didn't say anything and walked back to the balcony.

Him- Leave.

Me- What why.

Him- Because my answer is no. And even if it was yes. How will you tell people that you want a divorce and a 2 marriage.

Me- If that is what you worried of then don't worry I will take care of it.

He didn't say anything and just looked at the sky for a while. After a few minutes he turned and walked over.

Him- Fine my answer is....


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