Chapter 28

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I feel Dhruv's weight getting off me. So I opened my eyes to see. It was Abhimanyu.

He pulled and throw Dhruv in the other corner of the room. He looked at me. And looked away. Like he was finding something. While I pulled my knees to my chest.

Then a cloth was covering my body. It was my red dupatta. That Abhimanyu gave me. He looked at me. I can see he is mad.

He turns around and started fighting with Dhruv. He was punching him. And Dhruv was screaming.

Just then Rajamata, Tara, and Avantika came in. They were shocked seeing me like that. Rajamata ran to me and hugged me.

Maa- Ambika what happened who did this

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Maa- Ambika what happened who did this.

Me- Du.... Dhruv maaa.

I said crying. Abhimanyu was still hitting Dhruv. Then Rajamata went pulled Abhimanyu off him with Tara and Avantika's help.

Then maa slapped Dhruv.

Maa- Dhruv how dare you I never thought my own son would fall this low. It would be better if you would have died the moment you were born.

Dhr- Maa what are you saying and that too because of that Ambika. Are you forget that it was Abhimanyu that killed baba.

Maa- No what he did was for his father. And I'm sure that he would never fall this low.

Tara- But Rajamata.

Maa- No don't you say anything it is about my family and I don't think of you as family. And you Dhruv until the wedding you will not come near Ambika if you do then you will see my death Understand now leave.

Then everyone went out of the room while I was still crying. Abhimanyu come closer to and putted his hand on my shoulder making me scream.

Me- AHHH no no don't don't touch me please please please don't stay away no no no no.

Him- Ambika Ambika it is me it is okay. It's okay your save. It's me.

Me- Abhimanyu Abhimanyu he he. I can't believe it. He he did it. I loved him. And he no no no.

I said while crying and screaming. I never thought he would fall this low.

Him- Hey hey do you trust me.

He said I looked at him with treats in my eyes. Do I trust him?.

Me- Yes yes I do.

Him- Then come.

He offered me his hand and I took it. He walked me to the bathroom and made me sit in the tub.

And putted water on my head as the water washed my body I felt his touch getting off me. The disgusting feeling I was getting from myself slowly ware off.

Then he gave me some clothes to change into and went out. I changed my clothes and walked out and sat on my bed.

Then Abhimanyu came back with some medicine paste. He took some and puted it on my forehead and under my lips. Where I was hurt.

Then soon I fall asleep. While he was there.


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