Chapter 26

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*3rd person pov*

Dhruv walked towards Ambika. With his hand out to hold her neck to kill her. Rajamata was tell him to stop but he didn't listen he was mad and wanted to kill her.

Just want his hand was about to get a hold on Ambika's neck. Someone else came in front of Ambika.

And Dhruv's hand got a hold of none other but Abhimanyu. He was standing in middle of Ambika and Dhruv. With Dhruv holding his neck.

Abhimanyu holds Dhruv's hand with his hand and takes it off his neck.

Abhi- Don't even think about coming near her. She is mine. I am going to marry her.

Dhruv was shocked. First he was alive. He puted nails underneath the bed and he is still alive. And second that he is the one that Ambika will marry again. Why.

Dhr- Him you want to marry him why what did he do in 5 days that I did do in 8 years what did he give you.

Amb- Respect. He gave me respect which you didn't. And where there is no respect there is no love.

Abhimanyu was shocked she is acting really good.

Ambika didn't lie. Abhimanyu did respect her. And that is enough for her.

Maa- Okay that is enough. I have heard enough and now I have decided. That Ambika is no longer married to Maharaj. So now as a free women she is allowed to do what she wants. And if she was wants to marry Abhimanyu Singh Rathore then I'm okay with that. They will get married in 3 days. Tomorrow will be haldee then mehndi and then the wedding. Is that okay with you and Abhimanyu Raja.

Abhimanyu and I both nodded and then Rajamata took off and Soo did everyone. Dhruv Abhimanyu and Ambika were still in the middle of the hall. Tara and Avantika were still there.

Tara and Avantika were happy that Ambika was leaving. Dhruv was still mad. Abhimanyu was in middle of them.

Ambika was thinking what has her life became. Then she walked out of the room with Abhimanyu.


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