Chapter 46

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*3rd person pov*

Soon Abhimanyu and Ambika reached Satavahana saamraajy. At the door there was Rajmata, and Avantika wait for them.

Seeing Avantika made her mad she wanted to kill her. And she would have if Abhimanyu did hold her hand. And calm her down.

But there was one thing she was super sure of that she will tell her that she knows what she did. Will slap her when they are alone.

Maybe even put her under water till the bubbles stop. Okay maybe not that that's murder.

Then they walk forward and Rajmata hugged Ambika.

Amb- How are you maa. Are you okay.

Maa- Yes I'm okay how are you and Abhimanyu Bata how are you.

Abhi- I'm fine Rajamata Thank you.

Maa- Rajmata no no call me maa like Ambika. I mean only if your comfortable.

Ambika knows how happy he is at the moment he really misses his mother so maybe maa can give him that love he is missing.

Abhi- Ji maa.

Ambika was happy but that Soo  was gone. When she heard her.

Ava- Didi I missed you Soo much. How are you. How is Vijayanagara saamraajy. Are you happy did you not miss me.

Amb- I'm okay in fact I'm very happy with Abhimanyu. How are you.

Ava- Some anyway here eat this. This laddu this the same one I made did you eat all of them.

Ohh she did not. We're the thoughts in Ambika's mind. The she took the laddu from Avantika hand.

And the pinched her arm. While made her mouth open as she screamed. And Ambika putted the laddu in her mouth. And get a hand around her mouth closing it.

Avantika tried to spit out the laddu but Ambika's hand was stoping her.

Forcefully she had to eat it. Then Avantika was shocked. What happened to Ambika why did she do that does she know what is in it.

The Ambika went closer to her ear like she is huging. And said.

Amb- Listen Avantika you might have been able to give me birth control pills before but don't even try now. And be happy I did not kill you. But remember if you or that Tara do anything I will kill both of you. I'm here for one day. Enjoy your wedding and let me be. Okay.

Avantika was shocked. You can see that on her face.

Then Ambika and Abhimanyu with Rajmata walked inside the palace. While Avantika ran to Tara to tell her what Ambika just did.

Ambika and Abhimanyu rested in the room for a while but then Abhimanyu had to go for work. And she got bored alone.

So she was walking around the place she grow up in. Looking around she got to a small water fall inside the place.

She was enjoying when she feels a little thing by her leg. Looking down she saw it was a cute baby girl.


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