Chapter 25

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I was standing in the middle of the Raj hall. Rajamata was sitting on her chair. Soon Dhruv and Tara came in. Dhruv saw me and walked over.

Abhimanyu was sitting on a chair in the meeting. He was looking at me. Why is he looking at me like he is mad did he really think I was joking I don't joke whatever I do I mean it.

Dhr- What are you doing here. Did you do something.

He said I didn't reply and just looked at him. With a emotionless look. He was about to put his arm on my shoulder but I stepped back.

Maa- Maharaj and Choti rani please talk your seat.

Then they both walked and seat on there places.

Maa- So I will be the one in charge of todays meet. And I will be the one giving the final decision and everyone must follow it. I will repeat EVERYONE.

Dhr- Ok Rajamata what ever will be your decision we will follow it just say.

Maa- Ambika wants to leave Dhruv and marry another men.

Dhruv was shocked I can tell and Soo was Tara. Dhruv stood up in a moment. And was mad.

Dhr- What leave me that is impossible I don't accept it.

Me- I don't care I want to leave you.

Ava- Maharani why are you doing this everyone was call you names.

Me- Why I'm the one leaving him. Then why will they call me name. And when Dhruv left me in the middle of the fire they didn't call him names so why now. I don't care I want to leave him.

Dhr- How dare you.

Maa- Dhruv sit back down I will be the one deciding. Remember.

Dhr- But Rajamata.

Maa- No.

Dhruv Sat back down but he was still mad  I can see his eyes. Were red like he might kill me today. I'm really for that too.

Maa- Ambika I have known you since you were a kid. And I love you just like my own daughter. I don't think any difference between you and Avantika. That is why I grant you the divorce. But you have to say who you want to marry and he must agree.

Dhruv got up again. And walked down in the middle of the hall. Standing a few feet's away from me.

Dhr- You can't leave me. And even if you do. Then no one will marry go again you hear me. No one I will not let this happen. It is better I kill you.

He walked towards me in anger and was about to hold my neck when.


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