Chapter 4 - I Got So Ahead of The Curve

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Bellatrix woke up to the sound of the curtains on her canopy bed sliding open. Groaning, she sat up and rubbed her eyes scowling at the offender who had disturbed her rest.

Of course. Skeeter.

"Hey Trix!" The girl grinned as she threw herself onto Bellatrix's bed.

"Don't call me that." Bellatrix mumbled pushing the other girl off her bed.

"Why am I awake right now."

Rita shrugged, seemingly unbothered by the aggressive shove off the bed.

"Figured you might not want to be late for Charms seeing as it's in half an hour."

Bellatrix's eyebrows shot up at that. She couldn't be late for her first class; her mother would throw a fit.

Hurriedly she jumped out of bed and opened her trunk. She mumbled a quick thank you to Rita as she found a white button up.

She slipped the shirt over her head quickly, willing herself to ignore the chill of the dungeons. She grabbed her green tie and walked over to the vanity in the corner of the room. She tied the tie tightly and frowned at her reflection in the mirror.

Normally a house elf or her mother would help her tame her wild hair in the morning. Staring hesitantly at the hairbrush in her trunk she grabbed it and attempted to run it through her dark hair.

She winced immediately at the tug of her hair and frowned at the brush now stuck in her hair.

"Want some help with that?" Rita offered from her bed where she had been silently observing the situation.

Bristling at the thought of a practical stranger touching her but realizing she couldn't go to class looking like this Bellatrix nodded.

Rita gently pulled the brush from her hair and began to brush Bella's hair.

Bellatrix watched through the mirror as Rita worked.

"Always start at the bottom and work your way up." Rita muttered. "Especially with this much hair."

"Thank you."

"Do you want me to braid it for you?" Rita offered.

Bellatrix looked at her confused "Why?"

"It will help it to not get knotted throughout the day. Less work to brush out at night."

"Okay." Bellatrix agreed.

Rita's fingers moved swiftly through Bella's hair, weaving the strands through each other. In a matter of moments Bellatrix had a long thick braid hanging over her shoulder.

"Thank you." Bellatrix offered, looking up at Rita with a small smile.

"It's no problem." Rita said offering her own grin. "Let's head to charms yeah."

Both girls left the common room and began the journey up to the south tower. Bellatrix had studied the layout of Hogwarts before leaving, her mother determined to have her daughter impress once she arrived at school. Having already studied the layout she knew where the south tower was, but she was surprised to see Rita leading the way through the corridors.

"How do you know Hogwarts so well?" Bellatrix asked.

"Just because someone wasn't born into the Most Noble and Ancient House of Black doesn't mean they can't be brilliant Trix." Rita said teasingly.

She chose to ignore Bellatrix's scowl as she pushed the door to the charm's classroom open.

"Don't call me that."

"What Trix?"

"Yes. It's not my name."

Rita rolled her eyes. "It's a nickname. Relax."

Scowling again Bellatrix sat at the end of the desk row watching as Rita followed her.

Bellatrix just rolled her eyes at the blonde girl and began to set up her quill and inkpot.

She had just finished setting it up when Professor Flitwick walked in and began to speak.

"Good morning first year Slytherins." He began, voice squeaking.

Bellatrix raised an eyebrow at the foolish giggles of the students around her. They would regret that once their work began being graded.

"Today we are going to be starting with the Lumos charm. Does anyone know what the Lumos charm does?"

Both Bellatrix and Rita immediately raised their hands.

"Ms. Skeeter." Flitwick nodded.

"The Lumos spell allows you to illuminate the tip of your wand and see in the dark." She smirked at Bellatrix feeling quite satisfied with her answer.

"Very good Ms. Skeeter. Any idea what the wand movement for the spell is."

Confidence diminishing from her face Rita shook her head and Bellatrix shot her hand up into the air returning Rita's smirk.

Flitwick nodded at her. "Ms. Black."

"A loop motion, Sir."

He nodded, "Very good girls, 10 points to Slytherin."

Rita grinned at Bellatrix, and she allowed herself a small smile as the class began practicing the wand motion. Mother would be proud. 

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