Chapter 7 - Woven Webs of Opacity

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The great hall's doors swung open for breakfast at six that morning and bleary-eyed students filed in. Most had bleak stares and steaming cups of tea in their hands. Their gazes were fixed on steaming cups of tea and hot bowls of porridge. This means that the three first years practically buzzing with excitement at the Slytherin table were generally ignored.

"Did you do it?" Rita whispered into Bellatrix's ear.

"Yeah. Look up."

Tilting her head up slightly, Rita realized that the great hall's ceiling was covered with hundreds of slips of paper.

"Are you holding all those up with a levitation charm?"

Bellatrix nodded grinning, "Told you I'm good at charms."

Zabini leaned over, eyebrows furrowed. "What if they check wands for a levitation spell?"

"Already have that covered." Bellatrix assured her.

"While the commotion is happening when the pamphlets drop, I am going to do a levitation spell on your cup of tea. If any teachers check our wands, you and the other students will confirm that I was just trying to save you from having your tea spill all over you."

Rita's face lit up. "That's brilliant Trix." A glare. "Do you reckon there is enough students in the hall now?"

"Suppose so." Bellatrix mused, "Besides the stars of this month's edition have arrived." She said glaring at the two redheads at the Gryffindor table.

"Okay on three I'm going to end the levitation spell and Zabini you're going to drop your cup."

Both girls nodded.




"Finite incantem." Bellatrix whispered at the same time that Zabini tipped her teacup.

"Wingardium Leviosia!" Bellatrix yelled loud enough that some other students turned to look at her. Perfect, now there was an alibi.

Pieces of parchment began to flutter down onto the four tables causing looks of interest to appear in the eyes of the formerly bored students.

Rita grabbed one from the air and all three girls admired their handiwork.

On the front page of the booklet was a drawing of Molly Prewett and a headline reading "Teen Mother and Blood Traitor." Just above that read the title of the magazine. "The rumor mill."

Flipping open the booklet the girls eagerly read Rita's handiwork.

"It would seem that the golden girl of Gryffindor tower is not so perfect as she would have you believe. While taking house points from students for roaming the halls past curfew during her rounds it would seem she has been doing some roaming of her own. With none other than Arthur Weasley known muggle born sympathizer and blood traitor. Does Molly Weasly sympathize with his blood-traitor ideology, and more importantly will she be planning to raise their child with the same ideals? That's right folks Molly Prewett is the unwed, pregnant, teenage, blood traitor of Gryffindor tower. For more news stay tuned into the rumor mill."

Whispers overtook the great hall from students and teachers alike. Molly Prewett stood up covering her mouth and muffling the sounds of her sobs as she fled the great hall, Arthur hot on her heels.

Dumbledore stood up from his chair and voice booming announced "All third year and above students are to report to their heads of house for a wand check. Gossip and defamation will never be encouraged or tolerated at Hogwarts. Please take a moment to consider the pain of your actions if you are the perpetrator and come forward."

Slughorn walked over to the Slytherin table and announced, "All first and second years please go to class as usual, third years and above please come here."

As the girls sat up to go, he spoke again. "If you were in some way responsible for this please come forward now."

Nobody moved but several Slytherins had smirks on their faces clearly saying that even though they were not responsible they wished they had been a part of it.

Slughorn sighed. "Very well. I will examine wands now. First and second years are excused."

The girls left and as soon as they were out of earshot, began to giggle.

"That was perfect." Rita gasped.

"Merlin, did you see her face." Zabini agreed.

"It was impressive, and we didn't even have our wands checked" Bellatrix admitted.

"You should get to work over hols Rita." She continued. "Spread the word today that the author will take anonymous contributions and work on it over Christmas. That way we can make a new issue when we get back."

Rita grinned. "I'll get to work. Amazing ideas as usual Trix."

"Don't call.." Bellatrix was unable to finish before Rita ran off.

She hated that nickname.  

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